Thursday, August 18, 2011

Return from Recess : Readin', Ritin', 'Rithmetic

My oldest grandson starts 5th grade this year. Kinda scary.

This little cutie is going into 2nd.

Those happy faces are enough to make a grandma proud.

But how on earth are they growing up so quickly?

Looking at this shot, I can almost imagine them as teenagers.

(Am I wrong, or does bright-eyed Carli sorta stand out in a crowd?)

They'll never be too grown up for that first-day-of-school ice cream!


photos by tendershootz


anitamombanita said... cute.

Cathy Kennedy said...

No one is too grown up for ice cream for sure! The first day of school is always super exciting. How I remember that feeling, but it usually wears off quickly. lol Kids do grow up too darn fast.

I hope you’ll decide to check…
R is for Robin
Have a lovely weekend!

Your friend,
Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

Dominique Goh said...

Kids really grow up so fast.. Its great to see that your grandkids are enjoying being back at schoo.

karen said...

The first day of school is so fun! I was always waiting for my kids to get home and tell me all about their new classroom, teacher, and new/old friends. I loved shopping for the new school clothes and supplies. Now I'll have to content myself with hearing about Mia and Lexi's and Matthew's first school days - but that's exciting too!

Lara Neves said...

First day of school pictures are my favorite! They are just filled with their own brand of wonderful excitement (and a little bit of trepidation).

These are great!

Grandma Honey said...

That last picture is the one that warms my heart. I love it when siblings huddle close together. And can I just say that lately I've been feeling sort of like we are related? I think I'm bonding with your family through your eyes and your writing.

And yes, Carli has that light up the room smile.

jen said...

I didn't know Karli was the same age as Micah. She looks so much older. Maybe it's a girl thing.
Darling outfit on her, BTW.

KM said...

SIGH back to school, so nice but stressful! What cute kiddos!

Visiting from Alphabe-Thursday!

Leovi said...

Beautiful portraits with the happy smile of childlike innocence.

storybeader said...

they are cute! In school all ready? They certainly deserved some ice cream! {:-Deb

My name is Riet said...

So nice to meet you.
Such lovely grandchildren. Love you R words.

Pat said...

Such precious photos - and I bet your grandson will be quite protective of his little sister as they go into their teen years...

So true - how fast time moves.

Darlene said...

Really fun pictures. I think they are the most photographed children that I know, and I am very glad they are. What a great thing to have all these photos to look at when they get older. These first day of school pics are especially good I think.

lissa said...

wonderful pics, cute kids

Cindy Adkins said...

Awww, they are adorable!!! and I agree about the first day of school ice cream!!! It's so fun.

Unknown said...

Ice cream is popular at any age. I dropped my daughter off to her dorm today and I was amazed at how many girls brought teddy bears and Disney bedding. Too funny. I guess even when they go to college, they are still young at heart.

yaya said...

I can't believe school is starting already! We always had the first day of school pic with the backpack. I remember putting together the boys scrapbooks for their graduation parties..always having the first day of school (kindergarten)..and right next to it the last day of high school. Always brought a tear to the old eye! Your Grandkiddos are very cute and growing up fast. I don't think I ever looked that grownup at their ages!

Ames said...

Good lookin grands! And oh what a treat!~Ames

Vintagesouthernlife said...

Cute grandkids! They grow up so fast.

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

sooo cute! They do grow up so fast! And yes, I think she does stand out, especially with her sweet smile and her whole face lit up! I agree, that in the 5th photo, you can imagine them as teenagers :o)

And the photo with their icecream...sweet!

Blessings & Aloha!
Thank you so much for your lovely visit! :o)

Esther Joy said...

Loved the music you put with your pictures! Beautiful grandchildren!

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Such precious grandbabies. It is something how fast they are growing up. Mine will be in the 4th and 2nd and I still can't believe it.
Glad I got to stop by and see yours. I think its wonderful you can share these pictues with us. My DL keeps me from putting them on my site but every now and then I slip one in. haha
Love ya

Barbara Rosenzweig said...

How true! I'm still enjoying ice cream at 65! Love the photos!

Thanks for your visit. You could probably paint, too. It does take practice, practice, practice though. Give it a try!

Ingrid said...

What nice pictures of your grandchildren ! I have only one, 9 months old ! But yes, they grow very quickly !

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Oh they all grow up so fast, but they are the livelihood of life aren't they?

Joy For Your Journey said...

Ahhh the first day of school! Always a day to be remembered. I was sad this year to be away for it, so my husband got up and made our daughter breakfast and took her picture instead.

Your grandchildren are beautiful! I am sure you are very proud of them all.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...


Judie said...

I can definitely see the family resemblance-especially in the SMILES!!!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 said...

There is nothing better than going over what happened during your day with Grandma and an ice cream.

Connie said...

Love the cleft in your grandson's chin. I have a son who looks just like that!
The first day of school...a backpack filled with mixed emotions.

Unknown said...

What beautiful grandkids. Hope they have an amazing school year!!

EG CameraGirl said...

They really do grow up way too fast, don't they?

Myrna Foster said...

You have beautiful grandchildren, but I'm sure you knew that already.

Jenny said...

Such beautiful grandchildren Miss Sue.

They have such happy glowing faces.

I can see they are ready to tackle the world!

Thanks for a really wonderful link. I always enjoy seeing your family.


H said...

My two have already finished compulsory schooling. Scary!