Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1
Faith is a simple, splendid thing:
the substance of things that are not seen,
the evidence that hope is real,
the choice to trust in what we feel.
When truth is hidden from our sight,
when day becomes as black as night,
when all seems lost, look up and find
that God inspires the human mind.
For we are His who said Be still,
who calmed the tempest by His will.
His love extends to you and me,
and all is just as it should be.
God lights the eye that cannot see.
That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God,
receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.
Doctrine & Covenants 50:24
Beautiful poem sweet Sue, just beautiful! hugs
This poem made me happy. So very happy. You always know what to say. Really.
Especially LOVE this line:
"the choice to trust in what we feel."
Love this...also my daughter Autumn looked at the photo of your granddaughter in the tub on the right side of your blog and said, "That's me!"
I've been painting today and have not had any spiritual inspiration whatsoever - So thank you!
I agree, 'all is just as it should be' even difficult, trying, confusing situations. Well said:)
That is so beautiful, Sue. A good thought for me today. Love the poem. Thanks for this post.
That was beautiful, Sue.
thank you!!
Are you reading my feelings or what? I sure needed to see this poem and the scriptures with it. I'm going through a little crazy time right now and need to rely on faith more than I ever have. Thanks Sue!
I love that He gave you this amazing piece to write.
smiles...i see several scripture references in there...this makes for a fine poem sue....
Just what I needed. ;)
appreciate your musings on faith - something we cant muse over enough
Beautiful, excellent and wonderful as always.
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