Thursday, September 15, 2011

Word Verification: Take a Vacation!

The Word Verification Rant
©2011 Susan Noyes Anderson

Word verification is not my thing.

No added safety does it bring.

It only takes a lot of time

and makes commenting less sublime.

At first, I had it too, you know?

It took some nerve to let it go.

But others bloggers cheered me on,

and they were glad when it was gone.

The dreadful problems I had feared

without it, never once appeared.

No spam, no weirdos, no remorse...

just lots more comments! So, of course,

I did not turn it off in vain.

Word verification is a pain!


for more V posts, click below


Unknown said...

Ha!! I just love you. Do you realize this poem is going to be used by every word verification hating blogger in the bloggerdom?

Nonna said...

Clever you ! Love this !!!

I agree but every time I turn my word ver off, I gets spam everywhere and I detest spam even more !!! :D

Unknown said...


You are witty AND wise!

Julie said...


Ingrid said...

hehehe ! that's a nice poem !!

Anonymous said...

I really don't like it either. The ones in Disqus are so hard to read.

Cathy Kennedy said...

What a cute poem! And, hooray to you for no word verification. =D

Monica said...

Well said! Some of them are SO hard to read!

Unknown said...

Oh, No! If everyone turns of word verification, where will I get fodder for my New Words Wednesdays????

Tina´s PicStory said...

Yes!!!!!!!! Great post!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Great poem ... and so true!! =>

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Fantastic poem for word verification, Sue! I like it..

To the Toy Box and Beyond said...

great post and so true I hate word verification Sometime in my haste I click out of the blog without realizing they have word verification

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

lovely vacation piece.

Lisalulu said...

here, here, cheers for you

Judie said...

Oops! I forgot I could turn it off! Great poem, Sue.

jen said...

I remember we took this plunge about the same time, and I have never looked back. But I was actually lamenting this on another blog right before I visited you. I wish they'd all read this! Thanks!
Love ya!

Amy said...

Oh my goodness, Dixie Mom took the words right out of my mouth. Seriously. I was going to say exactly what she said. Love it, love it, love it! Hate hate hate word verification!

Caroline said...

LOL. I've turned mine off, too. It is a pain and I've had no spam. :) My kittens are better now. Thanks for stoppin' by.

Leovi said...

I agree with you that verification is going on vacation and not return.

Cheryl said...

Perfect! Most of the folks over the big pond have it on. Drives me insane because there are some awesome photographers and bloggers from the UK to Japan.

karen said...

Hate word verification. I wish everyone did.

Kiddothings said...

Nice poem! Don't like to word verify either but have come to live with it.

Donna said...

Yea!! I agree and have long since taken it off my blog. Wish everyone did and you reach more folks than I so cheers to you!!

Renegades said...

I agree!!!!

Ames said...

Yay! Yay! Yay! I can't stand word verification. And when there are too many post to try to get through, if I get word verification after I just wrote a lenghty comment and don't realize it until it's too late I generally say too bad and don't rewrite my comment. I just keep on trucking. I don't understand why people put it on their blogs. Good for you Sue! GOOD FOR YOU!!!~Ames ♥♥♥

Karen Mortensen said...

I agree. Thanks.

Grandma Honey said...

I wish I could say the same. I've had many spammers but they can't get through since I have to moderate them. So how do you keep the spammers away?

Pondside said...

I have never had a problem with spam - love your poem and hate word verification. The ones that really get me are the ones that have word verification and THEN wait to publish after they've approved the comment. Why not skip the verification then?

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Okay, if there was a weekly prize, you'd win it this week. When, oh, when will people learn that 'wv' is what keeps their blogs from growing?

Caroline said...

Ha! I LOVE it! I turned it off too and was so glad. It is much easier to comment without it!

p.s. who is that adorable little angel singing the ABC's?

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

I am laughing pretty darn hard so I may misspell a few words. hahahaha
Only my friend Sue could write this and I love that you did.
Word verification just confuses this ole grandmayellowhair even more than she already is.

lissa said...

goodbye to word verification. I, too, decided it was best to turn it off. spam comments can easily be deleted. plus I think bloggers rarely read other people's comment.

Brian Miller said...

haha...tell it! i cant stand word verification...and i know it kicks back ones i even got right...its a beast....begone word verification!

Francisca said...

KUDOS for this... can I share it? How is it that each of your visitors HEARTILY agrees with you, and still so many bloggers use WV!? Why aren't the WV users here to read your awesome poem? Or dare they not leave a comment? People who are getting spam haven't set the spam filter on, as far as I can tell. Google has caught every piece of spam in my blog and I happily check the spam directory once a week to make sure nothing good got caught. One year, one misfilter. I can live with that. I'm almost ready to boycott blogs with WV, as it doubles my precious commenting time. Thanks!

Jenny said...

Sue, I love this!

I did the same thing...and as long as you change your blog so it will only take comments from registered users the spammers don't seem to be able to get to you!

Thanks for the smile!

This was really fabulous!


Unknown said...

I hear ya! It drives me nuts sometimes when I submit a comment and then a word verification thing pops up at me. Those bother me more so than the ones that already have it there below the comment box.

anitamombanita said...

I never had it on mine. It is a pain. And I haven't had any problems. Spam blocker seems to catch all the bizarre things anyway! ;)