I'm home from my Southern California fantasy vacation (visiting my grandkids), but I'm sorry to report that I somehow wrenched my back in the midst of it all. To tell the truth, this old bag of bones is pretty sore, so I will spend most of today icing and resting the injury in hopes that I'll be ready for tonight, when we will welcome my husband's singles ward for dinner, darts, and ping pong. The good news is that our son Ryan will be driving down from San Francisco to lend a hand with the BBQing and whatever else needs doing. What a guy!
Dave spent the weekend in Tahoe (also with the singles ward), and it sounds like he had a great time. He did look pretty beat when he got home, though. I'll be glad when the poor guy can finally retire and stop going into the city every day, because he never has a minute to just sit down and relax. I constantly wonder how he manages to keep pace with a schedule that would wear out a 30-year-old. It's true. He works harder than any one of our children do, and they are no slouches, either. Kinda crazy!
Having said that, neither one of us would want to be put out to pasture, so we're glad that our responsibilities, interests, and commitments keep us busy. Hey, we all need to feel needed, don't we? Besides, as Mark Twain said, "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."
I am behind...I need to go read from bottom up...rest up my friend
love the sign...
I got one last winter with another of our favorite quips...
It Is What It Is.
Get comfy and stay that way.
Take care, and ice that back. Amazing how good that feels, isn't it? And yes, I would rather be busy. I find I have less time to concentrate on aches and pains that way.
That sign gets truer every day. I hope you have a Lazy boy and a good movie.
What a good son to come to your rescue today. Keep those ice packs going. I take them just about everywhere these days.
oh i am sorry you hurt your back...i hope that you feel better...glad you got some help as well...smiles.
I know a wonderful Chiropractor...Hope all gets better and the dinner is good!
Sue, you and your husband are in the same place as my parents. You both remind me a good bit of them. They participate with the young adults in their church as well and love it. And my father (who actually JUST retired) has a work ethic that sounds just like your husband's. I know what you mean about liking being busy and your responsibilities and I think that giving of your talents is a sure way to keep living a happy life at any age.
p.s. I am so sorry about your back! I will be thinking of you and I will say a prayer that you feel better!
p.p.s. Gave fun with the single's ward! I always love seeing the pictures of the gatherings!
Heeehehehe!!! I'm lovin' that plaque! Soooo true.
I'm tryin' to ease back into things and catch up a bit (allot!!!)
I just celebrated my last birthday in my fifties. OUCH...did I say that outloud???
God bless ya sweetie and have a terrific day!!!
OUCH! So sorry you wrenched your back.
I think keeping busy and working hard keeps you young - No one wants to go to the pasture - time out maybe - but not the pasture!
Nurse that back!! I hope your activity is fun but I'd rather you didn't have to get out of bed.
True it don't matter but sometimes it do hurt sumthin' fierce!
Heal, Sue. Heal!
Ilove the Mark Twain quote! It's a good one, for sure.
I'm glad Ryan will be coming to help. He'll probably enjoy it too. I just hope that you will remember to take it a little easy, although I know that is hard for you to do when you have a big group that needs feeding and entertaining. Still, I can only hope that you won't overdo.
I'm still having trouble with my back too, so I'm icing and trying not to take my pain out on Dick. Poor guy, he is just so darned good about taking care of me when I need it. What would we ever do without iced gell packs?
We both could use Kathy's husband, couldn't we?
I like Mark Twain...smart man.
Hope you feel better and are up to the YSAs.
If you don't keep moving you won't be able to later.
Hope you feel better soon.~Ames
BIG sympathy for your poor back. I hope you got the rest you needed and that you can take it just a wee bit easy this week.
Feel better!! I hope it heals up really quick, like getting to read one book all day better!
I know what you mean about aging!
I hope dinner was lovely! It is amazing the gifts we are given in the times we need them. Some times rest is a gift.
I sure hope your back feels better soon!
Oh Honey, I'm so sorry you hurt your back! Of all the people you know, I understand back pain better than most....and the fact that, dang it, everything is connected to your back!
Ibuprofen not Tylenol; ice not heat; unless you can get yourself into a hot tub....great for gentle stretching.
Love that quote too.
Hope you are feeling better. These aches and pains seem to be coming more often.
That must have been some trip to completely wear you out like that! :) I agree with the Mark Twain saying. :D
The both of you simply amaze me. Really. I hope some day you both get a good long rest. Not too long that you feel forgotten, but long enough to be recharged and energized.
Hope your back is back into shape right pronto! Gotta keep up with all those young college kids :) It makes your life so full and your time so full of life!
Hope you're back up and feeling better soon. Love you:)
I simply must have a sign like this one . . . I feel it more and more every day!
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