Yes, my friends, the blog break is officially over.
The muscles on this old bag of backbones are still a bit touchy, but I’ve picked up most of my regular activities again and will just sort of let the remaining kinks work themselves out as best they can. I like to give this kind of thing a few days of complete rest and then get moving again before stiffness sets in. Seems like these back complaints can take on a life of their own, if you let them.
Needless to say, I missed every one of you, but I did put my mornings off to good use last week. Having an additional hour or so for scripture study took me to some interesting places, and I feel renewed and refreshed by the extra time spent in spiritual pursuits. In fact, I am raring to go! (Do you think those green smoothies play a part in that as well?) I do believe they are agreeing with me.
At any rate, the weekend was uplifting, with a wedding that was sure to set any sagging spirit soaring. My husband (the bishop of a young, single adult congregation) and I are privileged to witness many of these beautiful occasions, and I am always grateful to be in the room when young couples look into each other’s eyes with love and tenderness, exchanging the eternal vows that will keep them a family forever. As Saturday’s sealer said so wisely, “I am here today to perform a temple marriage, but whether it is a celestial marriage will be entirely up to you.” Happily, I'm convinced that all our wonderful couples who got married this summer will forge celestial marriages over the years. My wish for them is that they will learn to find joy in the good times and in the not-so-good times…and that they will come to appreciate both sides of that coin as part and parcel of life on earth. While this path we're on can become awfully steep and rocky, there's no denying that the views are great, with more than a few rest stops along the way. Indeed, our sojourn through mortality is guaranteed to be everything we need it to be. I guess that’s why we ALL get the full package: the blessings, the battles, and the back pain!
PS. Saturday's General Relief Society meeting was one of the best ever, and President Uchtdorf’s talk about literal and figurative forget-me-nots went above and beyond. Which is just where I like to go…
So glad you're back is healing up nicely. Sounds like a wonderful weekend.
Yay! Welcome back, my friend!
yay! glad you are back and feeling better as well...glad the wedding was soup lifting too...an yes i hope for that couple as well...
Missed you, my friend.
And I could hear/see the lds.org video playing in my mind as President Uchtdorf was speaking. It was so amazing.
So glad you are back, Sue and that you had some great rest and relaxation. Also, I am glad that you feel refreshed spiritually. That is always a great feeling!
We missed you!!
Glad your back is on the mend and you are back at your keyboard!
I think Pres. Uchtdorf's Forget-Me-Not" talk will be right up there with Pres. Hinckley's "B's" talk! Glad you're aching bones are feeling better! The weddings this summer have been wonderful!
Welcome back!~Ames
I glad you are feeling better. I bet you apple crisp is wonderful.
so glad you are feeling better.. whatever it takes. Glad you are BACK, and know that you have been 'sorely' missed!! thanks for all you do and I'll bet all the cute couples&singles you guys 'help' say the same thing!
It's good to have you "back"! Hope you continue to heal. I love going to temple sealings.
Pres. Uchtdorf's talk was awesome!
I'm glad you got some reflection time. I need to do that some myself. Use my time a little more wisely...
I need to catch up on the broadcast because I was being mom on a soccer field instead.
Hope that back is getting better and I'm glad you're "back" too! I loved the broadcast..all the messages were wonderful. The single's ward is about an hour from our branch. We have a few young women who make the trek but many times are disappointed in the male turnout! Maybe I should send them to your hubby's ward! Have a great week!
You should send them on over! We have more guys than girls!
Glad you are feeling better.
Wasn't Pres. Uchdorphs message inspiring and what we all wanted and needed to hear?
Wonderful post. I am glad you are feeling better and love your very wise words.
I loved that RS meeting. It was so good. Pres. Uchdorf's talk was absolutely fabulous.
So glad you are feeling somewhat better. You live a very busy life and I know that it is not easy for you to "take it easy", but I'm glad that you had a bit of a rest anyway.
I watched the broadcast and reacted to President Uchtodorf's inspired talk the very same way you did. Dick was watching it with me and we both were totally transfixed as he gave this incredible talk. I swear, we hung on every word and it was wonderful. He truly made me feel that I am not forgotten. At the end, I, of course, cried. But the tears were good ones. I do love listening to that man. The message in this month's Ensign was really good too.
I was also interested in how many weddings you have attended lately. I love to do Temple sealings. Dick and I do go occaisionally to do them, but I would like to go more often. I wish we had a Temple that was closer than an hour or so away.
Glad you are back to regular posting, but don't feel bad if you have to take a break once in a while.
Glad that your back is on the mend, back pain is just miserable. Sounds like you had a really nice weekend, there really is nothing like a wedding to gladden the heart, is there? Thanks for your sweet comment on my Centus. I don't know where Mr. Linky went, I checked today to see if I had missed any posts and it's not there??! Have a great week, and try to rest that back. Kat
Sue glad your break was a short one. Hope you continue to feel well.
We all forgot you not :-D
Absolutely LOVED that talk. LOVED LOVED LOVED it!!! Funny how well he knows women:)
Hurray!!! You're back! I've missed you....
Glad to see you back sweet Sue. If those green smoothies are what is helping your back get better...keep 'em flowing. I bet they are good and good for you too. They look yummy in the picture on your blog. Keep getting better. Hugs
Sue I am so happy your back in the saddle again. I just pray I don't hear that song all night while I am trying to go to sleep. hahahaha
Seriously I have missed you and hope you are much better.
Just left your moms site and as always I love reading about you on her site too.
You sound really like you have had an uplifting week and a really sweet weekend.
Sending you lots of good wishes and love
Welcome baaaaaaaaaaaaaack, Sue! Glad you put your time to good use and renewed your spirit while your body was healing.
Welcome Back!! I am glad your back is feeling better. I can relate far too well to your pain. I have been down for the past few days as well. We are driving to Utah on Friday so I am hoping/praying that I will be doing better by then.
I love what the sealer said. So true!
I was listening to an old conference, and though I can't remember who it was, or when it was, the message stayed with me. He was a bishop and had a couple who were ready for a divorce. They tried everything, they said. Their bishop then wisely invited them to the temple to witness a sealing. They met him there and went to a random person's sealing. He said by the end, the couple who had started out on opposite sides of the bench were holding hands and smiling into each other's eyes. How lucky for you to get to go to many sealings! How strong your marriage must be because of it.
And President Uchtdorf's talk was absolutely amazing, wasn't it? I think it spoke to every woman there in one way or another.
P.S. I am so glad you are feeling better!
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