As you have probably noticed, I don't advertise products or services on my blog. I'm just not interested. This recommendation is simply a matter of me wanting to share something cool with all of you...a new product that is helping my badly-in-need-of-repair hair. And it's inexpensive, too. (Won't you laugh if a month from now the extra set I bought ends up in the rejected hair care products cupboard I shared with you last week?!) ;)
Hope you're all having a great day. I'm having tons of fun with the grandkids and looking forward to seeing Todd and my parents in the next day or so.
OOOOooooooh! You know how I love anything that smells good. Even better if it actually performs! I will look for this for sure. Hope you're having the greatest time ever!
My husband and I could both use the product; thanks for sharing it.
Have great moments with your precious grandchildren and family other family members.
Yup, so share something with me that I can't get here! ;)
It's always great to find out about something that is worthwhile.
Good to know. It's always good to hear a recommendation that works for someone!
Sue, i just read your last 10 or so posts and you are amazing! What a positive, upbeat, sweet and sensitive blog you create! Your words are beautiful.
Awesome! I need to try this. Thanks. My Aussie 3 minute miracle just isn't cutting it. I feel like I am putting plastic on my hair. And anything "green" just makes me happy. Can't wait to try it out!
So nice that you found some shampoo that you really like. It is so funny, You used to have such thick hair, and mine was always so thin, now that I've had my hair cut, it seems so much thicker. It's just because it has so much natural curl. I am just so glad that I had it cut, now all I have to do is brush it.
With a name like Love, Peace, the Planet, it's got to be good.
(I have such fond memories of the Saturday Night Live spoof on Smuckers commercials, I thought I'd share with you.)
ok, sign me up... I need something too (although I 'color' my thinning, balding graying limless locks!
After your other post on collections this did make me laugh!
I have seen this product - I like the packaging so it's nice to know that what is inside the bottle is good too!
I'm interested. So I just did a search but it seems it only comes in moisturizing shampoo and not regular which is what I need. I've been reading the ingredients though and I'm impressed. I'll look for it. Thanks Sue!
Something new to try. Thanks for the heads-up recommendation, Sue.
A new bottle to add to my collection! Again, your Mom's comment made me laugh, don't ask me why but I find her hilarious! Have fun and say hi to her from me!
May need to try this. If it ends up in your discard cupboard, send me some.
I'm off to google where I can find it up here. I love a real-life recommendation.
Sounds wonderful!!
Sounds like a great product, Sue! I will have to tell my husband about it! Thanks for the recommendation. Your advice is always sterling!
That is so funny! I have the same type of thing at my house. (Gut in an antique dish cabinet by our bathroom.) Lotion is my worst offender; I end up rejecting over of 1/2 of what I buy for one reason or another. My husband ends up with most of my hair rejects, but I still have some from when my hair was red that I haven't found a home for.
hey that is cool...sorry i seem to have missed you for a couple days...
Did you get it at a store, or online??
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