Today, I am the firm, unwavering

answer I've been seeking.

My mind has listened to my soul at last...

and heard it speaking.

Inside, still waters turn to healing tide...

I'm drawn to shore.

The winds of life have had their way.

Today, I drift no more.

The sails obey my hand; a plan unfurls,


And hope burns in my heart as brightly as

a Phoenix rising.

Spread your sails and fly!
Absolutely breathtaking pictures!
Also, thanks for your comment on my Rock4Today blog about liking the old Biblical translations. When it comes to memorizing, I always do better with the King James Version.
Beautiful pictures. What's up?
Thanks for asking, Karen, but nothing much. Truth is, I've been feeling kinda out to sea lately... probably due to my general lack of hormones.
Good news is that today I woke up feeling sharp, alert, and ready for anything. Seems like the approach of fall always brings me that kind of energy. Or maybe some estrogen actually found a receptor! Either way, I feel a sea change coming on...
And I'll take it!
Your words are beautiful, Sue.
Sounds like you may need some Vitamin D. No really. That is how I feel when my levels are low. Supplementing (since I don't get much sun either) really makes a difference in my mood.
btw, I've been trying to reply to your email but it keeps coming back to me. Not sure what is going on.
So upbeat! Yeah!! Loved the music too. So soothing to listen to. I love any kind of guitar playing. Reminds me of my dad. He could play a mean guitar and I used to listen to him a lot. I wish you could have known him, and I wish I could have known him longer.
I'm so very glad that you are feeling better. I, too, am having a pretty good day. You know how I hate to talk on the phone......I have made many many calls this morning. Diane was one of them. I found out that she reads your blog every single day! You get a lot of readers who don't comment, including a lot of my friends. I noticed that Verna has commented a few times but learned that Lee also reads your blog, but I have never seen her comment either. Note to Lee and Diane:"you can comment without having a blog of your own. I did that for a long time."
I'm so glad you are having a feel good day. I live for those! I'm riding the wave right now...one day good, one day bad. I hope this wave sticks around for you awhile. :)
Wonderfully upbeat! I've had to catch up on your posts and I loved the pics of Tahoe and you and your hubby..very beautiful and cute! Now, I hope tomorrow I wake up sharp and alert!
Sue, this is an absolutely lovely post, both the photos and the words. I hope my sails are free and flying.
Thanks for you visit Thursday. It's always good to hear from you.
Did Heather take these photos too??!!
I have to tell you, the photos were so breathtaking, for the first time ever - I don't remember the text!!
Gorgeous shots and your words weave among them beautifully.
I would not think that words could upstage such scenes, but yours do. What an altogether lovely conceit!
our sermon yesterday was alot about committing and taking it seriously, not just fairweather stuff. About taking chances and moving ahead and trusting and yeah...
I loved sailing through this beautiful post.
Always so inspiring and such perfect pictures!!! Amazing!! :)
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