Blogger's bugs really do bug me, but their impact is worse and annoys at a deeper level because of the fact that I am never able to connect or communicate with an actual human being to get them fixed. Every time this happens, the Blogger I've come to know and love transforms into a big, shapeless entity that none can ever reach out and touch. In fact, I've been known to worry that, if blog disaster should strike one day, all would be lost.
Sometimes my concerns lead me to consider changing to Word Press, but I have some firsthand experience with Word Press through my poetry website, and either I don't like the features they offer as well or I simply haven't mastered them. For whatever reason, I can blog a better-looking post here, and I truly enjoy the relative ease of Blogger tools. I just wish I had the security of knowing a real person could be contacted if something awful happened to or on my blog!
The thing is, while user message boards and help forums are a good place to begin seeking answers to those glitches that will inevitably come knocking, the buck shouldn't stop there. When the chips are all the way down, people need to know that a fix (and a fixer!) is there to be had. I can't tell you how many posts I see in those "Something Is Broken" Blogger help forums that have never been answered, and even when they do get answered, it is not by a real-life employee of Blogger but by a sort of kindly, often self-appointed helper/go-between who knows the ropes better than most. We are basically the blind leading the somewhat-less-blind around here.
What do I do to allay my anxiety? Well, I back up my blog religiously and have regular blog books published on Blurb or Blog2Print. However, neither of these would be an acceptable substitute if my blog went permanently on the blink. I am really fond of this space, just as it is, and I want to keep it clean, healthy, and bug-free for a long time to come.
My plea to Blogger would be to offer real assistance (or maybe I should say assistants...the human variety) when other avenues have been exhausted, and I would be more than willing to pay for it. I'm not asking for a contact person every time something goes wrong around this joint. All I'm requesting is a last-ditch place to go when all else fails, a place where the buck stops at a living, breathing individual's desk.
(And yes, a cyber desk would suffice.)
PS. Am I alone here, or do others share my frustration? Has anyone had better luck than I getting assistance from Blogger? If so, spill the beans. Please!
I do the same as you Sue. I back up my blog regularly and I print my Blog books too.
I have found that sooner or later most of the bugs on blogger get fixed - Patience is the key with this free site I guess (I am not very patient - ha ha).
For the past 3 months I have not been able to see my followers list at all. I tried everything. I could see on my dashboard that new people were following me but I couldn't see who they were, which bugged me because I could not go visit them, etc...
Well, low and behold, my followers list came back 2 days ago out of the blue???
I have had that happen with other issues too.
I know what you mean though. No real help or tech support.
ugh...I don't even want to think about the possibility of some failure... backing up is definitely a good idea.
I'm with you - any help I've received has come from a fellow blogger. It would be nice if they had some sort of site where you could even email in questions and you'd actually get an answer. And then if that failed, maybe a tech phone call.
I agree with you. When blogger gets "glitchy" it is virtually impossible to get help. I found some message board that was basically useless. It was only after blogging about it that fellow bloggers came forward with tips and tricks to go around the most recent glitch in commenting. I know it is a free service but Geez there has to be a way to get an answer from someone in Blogger HQ.
I am totally with you. I remember last Christmas my blog decided to get lost.I cried. Like a baby. And blogger customer service stinks...because there is nothing!
I follow myself so all isn't lost. I too make log books (thanks for the reminder.)
If you ever left...I would be sad. So don't. Ever leave. Ever!
I'm such a procrastinator. I keep thinking I'll back up eventually or print someday. Never done either. i think it's time.
I'm fond of my voice in the blogging world. Printing would be a great idea.
Well, I also back up regularly and print every 6 months on blog2print...so I don't have any other answers...
amen. it urks me to no end when something goes wrong to try and find any kind of help with blogger...def not user friendly on the help stand point..i back up my posts on a WP blog so if it does go down again i can jump over and not miss a beat...
Just saw your comment at Larainy's. Schmelly. hee hee.
That's an idea I never thought of, Brian. And it's a good one!
amen and amen
I agree, Sue, that it would be very helpful if there were answers to Blogger problems. I hope that when Goggle does the final takeover of Blogspot they will offfer more assistance!
I keep thinking I'll move to Wordpress but I'm too lazy. I can't follow anyone new and blogger is just being a pain in the butt. I would totally pay a monthly fee for a service that worked.
Blogger really can be a pain but I haven't done anything to assure the safety of my blog. My eyes have been opened.
Blogger is a Google product. There are no HUMAN BEINGS anywhere on support staff in any department. Try calling 'em sometime. When you finally reach the customer support prompt the recorded humanoid voice announces this fact loud and clear.
Our company cc was overcharged by 120.00 and I can't get it reversed: there's no one to contact. I have a love/hate relationship with the whole Google empire.
I do a blog book at the end of the year..maybe I should do one every 6mo....I haven't had any real issues yet, but I would hate to lose everything...thanks for the warning!
I am right there with ya! I try not to think about it but I've been told there are many bloggers who literally lost their entire blog in a blink of an eye. I haven't backed mine up or printed in over 6 months now so I'm a little nervous about what might happen if it all comes to a crashing halt. I don't know if I'd survive that. Well, of course I'd survive. But not happily.
Agh. So annoying!!!
That is exactly how I feel about blogger too. They will never ever respond, no matter what. I also wish they would charge...that way maybe they would feel more responsible.
I publish blog books quarterly, but I blog way ahead....so if I lost my blog, I'd be, well, probably institutionalized.
I would gladly pay someone to back it up.
I've been thinking about this a lot this past couple of weeks, Sue.
Blog2Print will do an automatic back-up every month for $7.00, PJ.
And I wish Blogger would charge, too, Jill. I'd be happy to pay for some peace of mind.
Oh yes, if you ever have problem with blogger, you're doomed! You can spend days in the forum, or the help pages, and still won't be able to get in touch with anyone.
O, soooo true. I've had SOO many frustrations lately!!! That's a good idea about backing it up on a wordpress. I'd thought about switching there, too, but the thought of learning something completely new after it has taken me THIS long to understand the little I do, it's a bit overwhelming!! I'll have to make time to look into it...
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