Thursday, August 11, 2011

Quiet Time

Quiet Time

The world makes lots of noise it seems,

but those who want to live their dreams

will seek and savor quiet time

to make a space for the divine.

So much of truth speaks soft and low,

but all who listen come to know

that in the peaceful moments lies

the wisdom of the earth and skies.

The glory comes in still, small ways...

a flicker, rather than a blaze...

a whisper, not a statement bold.

In silence, are life's secrets told.


"Be still, and know that I am God..."

Psalm 46:10

photos by tendershootz

click below for more Q posts


Cathy Kennedy said...

Our minds were like so linked together, Sue! My post was on Quiet Time, also. I wanted a lovely poem and you wrote one. Gee, I wish I had known ahead of time and I could've featured it in my post. However, it's not to late to use it another time. Beautiful job!

Check it out…Q is for Quiet Time
50 Q&A, Part 4 of 5l
Your friend,
Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

karen said...

Beautiful, Sue! On the rare occasions that I'm able to be quiet and listen, I've found this to be true. I wonder why this is such a hard concept to perfect?

jen said...

This is one lesson I've learned this summer. You'd think it wouldn't have taken me 42 years to learn it, but . . . better late than never.

Karen Mortensen said...

Love it. I really love that verse at the end. I have finally been able to understand what that means.

Wendy said...

Your blonde baby seems to have a quiet confidence about him in picture. I believe there are two of them. Brothers?

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I absolutely love that Psalm and your pictures are such a perfect modern day interpretation.

Well done!!!

Keri {One Mama's Daily Drama} said...

Its always great to sit back and watch sometimes. I think I miss things when I'm in the middle of the chaos.

Susan Anderson said...

They are cousins, Wendy. The oldest is my grandson, and the youngest is my niece's son.


The Poet said...

Hello Sue.
Beautiful sentiments. Such true words. Love the ending.

Your photos are great. The children are adorable.

Thanks for sharing & for the visit too.


Heather said...

I love this post... one of my favorites

Anonymous said...

I love your pictures and your message. What a wonderful post!

LeAnn said...

Sue, what a lovely poem and pictures. As usual I am so inspired by you. As I was reading the poem and looking at the lovely pictures; your back ground music made it all the best.
Blessings to you and keep on enjoying those momnts.

CB said...

I have learned the value of quiet time. It definately brings peace to a crazy world.

RobinfromCA said...

Oh, I love this one. Time to ponder and listen. We all need quiet. Beautiful!


Cindy Adkins said...

Oh how precious and so peaceful. Happy Alphabet Thursday.

Judie said...

Sue, what a beautiful post. God has given you such a special gift.

Simple Home said...

Great poem and photos!!

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love little ones at the beach. So sweet!

yaya said...

My mind seems to be going in a million different directions most days. I'm trying to remember who's in charge! Love the poem and the pics of your family really make it sing!

ellen b. said...

Beautiful Sue! Loved reading this and scrolling through the photos!

Dominique Goh said...

Lovely poem with beautiful pictures. I too treasure quiet time.

Gail said...

Absolutely beautiful words with fantastic illustrations.

Kiddothings said...

I felt calmed by your poem here. Lovely words and pictures!

Unknown said...

True words. The older I get the more I safely guard my quiet time. In fact, more hours of my day are spent in complete silence then in conversation or distractions. I cherish it too.

Ingrid said...

What a nice post about quiet time and the pictures are so cute.

Caroline said...

Amen, Sue. I will remember this today. Thank you.

Beautiful. Your words and your family are always a lovely combination. Always. :)

Grandma Honey said...

You really do have a beautiful family Sue!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

BEautiful Q poetry, perfect photos and scripture vers!

Blessings & Aloha!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Fantastic poem, Sue! Just so beautiful to read, and I love quiet time!

Have a great time at the wedding!

H said...

It is so important to find time and space to be quiet; to listen to that still small voice!

Pat said...

What lovely images - each evocative of the person (litle & adult both!) in touch with a quiet moment. Just beautiful.

Thank you for stopping by earlier and I so appreciate your taking time to comment.

Have a very nice week.

Terra said...

that was some amazing quiet time and some beautiful photos to go with it

anitamombanita said...

seems you've had a prolific summer, writing-wise...children and family are such great fodder for reflection...i like it!

Amy said...

The photos, the words, both absolute beauty and tranquility.

Jenny said...

Oh Sue. This quiet beauty soothes my soul.

Some of my favorite moments are the quiet ones...holding a grand in my lap, singing them one of 'their' songs very, very softly.

This was beyond lovely.

I am in awe.


Tonya said...

Oh, this was so good.