My niece had a baby boy named Sullivan over the weekend. From all reports, he is the cutest child ever born, and in view of his highly attractive parents, this is probably true. Her delivery was pretty rough...water broke early, perils of pitocin, posterior presentation...you get the picture. Not easy. But the doctor said she was a great pusher, which doesn't surprise me. She is and always has been one determined little girl.
She's also determined to be the best mother imaginable to her sweet baby. And he is uncommonly sweet, according to my sister, who doesn't lie...even when she's prejudiced. The nurses say that he is putting up with all their extra pokes and prods like a tiny trooper. The kid's got spunk. Just like his mother and father. Which is a good thing, because he's going to need it to deal with some bladder and kidney problems created by a developmental misfire in utero. Fortunately, they are blessed with excellent doctors and good insurance, along with lots and lots of family surrounding and supporting them.
Like his doting parents, grandparents and uncles, we are celebrating the birth of this beautiful boy with all the excitement and joy he deserves. We are also praying, exercising our faith and, yes, worrying with all the love and hope we (along with two extended families and scores of friends) can offer. Which is a lot.
To the new parents:
Celebration, excitement, joy, prayers, faith, (worry), love, and hope
are winging their way to Utah.
Love most of all.
And unfailing Hope for your little guy and a B R I G H T future.
2 Nephi 2:11 - For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so, my first-born in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one...
2 Nephi 31:20 - Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men.
Seems like you guys are already following Nephi's advice. You two are going to do Sully proud!
It always makes me happy when I hear about a little baby coming into the world with loving parents and a circle of family that rejoice. Congrats to everyone!
oh pitocin. how i love the way you get my babies out. i would hate you if it weren't for epidurals.
There's nothing more hopeful then the miracle of a newborn.
It's a good day.
Holding good thoughts for your family and the new baby!!
Best wishes and many prayers for the new baby and his loving family! Complications or no complications - parenthood requires as many prayers as there are prayers to offer!
New babies are the best! The best of luck to them and the little guy. They will appreciate their little miracle all the more, I am sure.
I've had much cause to ponder the challenges of life that surround us. I take great comfort in President Packers words about there being "great purpose" in our challenges. I certainly wouldn't want to relive them, but know I wouldn't be the person that I am today . . .
Oh this is hard. Please keep us posted. And he is sure going to share a nickname with another hero!
You're right about prayer and I am doing my best in that respect. And I do have hope, and most of all faith. He will be a joy to us all, I am sure.
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