Thursday, October 20, 2011

Riding the Wind

Sometimes on a windy day,

I close my eyes and fly away.

I float with leaves upon the breeze,

then skitter about the lofty trees.

I hop and skip from yard to yard

and frolic down the boulevard;

until, at last, my journey through,

I find my way back home to you.

click below for more fall colors


Grandma Honey said...

Sweet. Totally sweet.

Lola said...

Delightful words & images - great Fall post!


karen said...

"I find my way back home to you..." Sweeter words were never spoken.

21 Wits said...

What can I say, this is so maRvElOus! Truly an autumn DELIGHT!

Anonymous said...

Oh, those illustrations are perfect matches for your words. How wonderful!

anitamombanita said...

took your advice and linked up! thanks. fun stuff!

Ingrid said...

That's real cute ! I wished I would live in Australia now, at least there is spring there !

H said...

Lovely! Very nicely said :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Wonderful autumn post, Sue!

Visits With Mary said...

Very cute poem..did you write it?
Lovely post, lovely words, lovely pictures!

Leovi said...

Beautiful work, I like your drawings with beautiful fall colors and patterns, charming.

Vicki/Jake said...

Awwww, sweetness coming through from you :) That's as much poetry as you'll get from me! You're awesome Sue....

storybeader said...

how adorable. And the music (don't know if that was planned,) went perfectly with the post! {:-Deb

Gail said...

I find my heart in the last line...simply beautiful!

Ames said...

Sweet! I love the old images!~Ames

Tiffany said...

Beautiful poem and post....It is really windy here too!


yaya said...

Those pictures brought back memories from childhood cute. I love the poem and it sure fits this time of year. We're suppose to get some snow next week...I'm not ready...really I'm not! I'll take falling leaves over falling snow any day.

Myrna Foster said...

I love how the music and pictures compliment your words just so.

Brian Miller said...

smiles...very sweet...i would love to ride the wind like a leaf...and return home...smiles.

Judie said...

WEll, Sue, you've done it again! Great post, my dear!!!

Caroline said...

This is wonderful, Sue! So happy and perfect fall images! I imagined I was a floating fall leaf as I read this! Perfect!


Terra said...


People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

How sweet it is! And the music too!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Beautiful images and the poem is a fantastic companion!

Beth said...

The words match beautifully with such sweet pics!

Jocelyn Christensen said...

just lovely!

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Love, love this poem and the pictures! What a fun Autumn post. Thanks for visiting me!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 said...

A perfect little poem with wonderful illustrations. My girl's always loved rhyming picture books. This brought me back some memories. Thanks Sue!

Amy said...

Squeal! I love this! And the images are incredible. Where on earth do you get them? Beautiful!

Jenny said...

Oh boy.

Sweet, sweet, sweet.

The pictures, the words, the rhyming.


Sweet, sweet, sweet.

This was really lovely Miss Sue. I can visualize this in a children's poetry book!

Thanks for sharing your lovely talents.
