Like many of my Christian friends, reading the Bible brings me joy.
As a member of the LDS Church, I also love to read the Book of Mormon.
I frequently mark favorite passages and write down bits of inspiration.

And, sometimes, I like to write a poem about what I'm feeling.
©1999 by Susan Noyes Anderson,
Awaken Your Spiritual Power, Karisma Press
Leather, binding
onion skin
paper, fragile,
Word of God,
the Spirit’s feast.
Bread of Life
unto the least
of these. A gift
to save and bless
like manna
in the wilderness.
Sometimes the world seems like a vast wilderness to me. When I am running on empty, I am happy to know where I can go to find the refreshment and comfort I need to be filled.
click below for more happiness
Oh yay!! I was looking for your post :) Love the Bible and the Book of Mormon... I have made a goal to read from the Book of Mormon every night that we have family prayer... Hopefully my kids will sleep just a little better each night :) Happy Tuesday Sue!!
What a great post! We just read about the important people who translated the Bible and how they were sentenced to death because of the great deed they did for all of us. It helped us not to take the scriptures for granted. Thanks, Sue!
I love reading the Bible too.
Happy Tuesday!
I love how you've really marked up your bible!
This is so beautiful, Sue!
Very sweet Sue. We have recommitted ourselves to reading the Book of Mormon. What a peaceful spirit it brings into our home.
REally great!
I know the Book of Mormon is true. I taught seminary and enjoy the two years of teaching the Book of Mormon. I loved your poem. What a fantastic poet you are.
Blessings to you and thanks for your uplifting thoughts today.
Beautiful post, Sue! And what I love just as much as reading the Bible is also a good Bible study because I always feel like I learn so much.
I also love seeing all your handwritten notes...
I underline things and often make notations too. I like when I go back over a passage that I really studied at one time and I see what I have circled or written. It's then that I realize how the Bible is "living".
I am trying so hard to read my scriptures every day. I did quite well with everything until I hit the New Testament. For some reason I am struggling through this. Maybe I should skip it for now and go back to something else - come back to it later, perhaps? Paul is putting me to sleep. He lectures too much, and half the time I don't know what he's talking about.
Great post about a great book!
and always he provides in our hours of is good to read and reread the promises so we know what is to come...
Very spiritual. I do not follow any religion but I am very respectful of people that if they do, because the road to find peace is very diverse. Greetings.
Great post. I have always loved that poem.
I have re-committed to read the Book of Mormon and have already started. It seems I get too caught up in the stories of the prairie family, but I am going to do it. I have read it before, but I think maybe I might get more out of it if I read it now. I also love the Bible, but only look up passages when I need them. I should read it more too.
I love the poem!
Beautiful poem Sue..and what a nice missionary moment! I may have to share this on Sunday. Sometimes I find myself so busy doing the "good" things that I don't get the "best" things studying the scriptures more. Thanks for giving me some inspiration today! And thanks to your sweet Momma for her package that arrived!
Beautiful words! The world is definately a wilderness!
beautifully put!
I totally agree with your thoughts. Your poetry is also manna to me.
Well said Sue! That last sentence pretty much sums it up for me!
I love this so much. Great shots and I love how much you make note of stuff in your bible.
Your faith radiates from this wonderful poem.
Lovely post...
Great post and nice poem sweet Sue. Hugs
I love the scriptures! I'm so grateful to have the Bible AND the Book of Mormon.
They truly are manna in the wilderness. I know they provide me with much nourishment in this crazy world.
I need to be better about reading my scriptures each day. I a so proud of my 12 year old who has been reading his scriptures each morning before he goes to school.
Sue thank you for such a beautiful poem and post.
I too love reading the Bible.
Hope your well my friend and having a wonderful week
I love love love your poem! Such sweet truth.
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