©1997, Awaken Your Spiritual Power, Susan Noyes Anderson

I thought I walked this earth alone,

beneath my burdens bowed,

until I found I could not bear

their weight and cried aloud.
And echoing through the darkness

that had framed my solitude,

I heard my cries...first soft and low,
then gaining magnitude.

I prayed for peace within my soul,

deliverance from the night;

and finally, in the distance,

I beheld a flickering light.

The light grew strong and stronger still,

‘til it enveloped me.

The rays were warm and comforting;

I felt my anguish flee.

Let not your heart be troubled,

neither let it be afraid;

for I have known and loved you long

before this world was made.

Peace I leave with you; my peace

I would to you impart;

and ye shall seek and find me

when ye search with all your heart.

The voice spake from deep within;

I felt His calm o’ertake me.

With newfound faith, I knew at last

my Lord would not forsake me.

From this day forth, I’ll walk with God,

the Savior by my side.

Alone no more, His helping hand

will ever be my guide.
The preceding poem was a guest post that I created for House of Sarager. I am publishing it here because I turn my blogs into books every few months and wanted to include it.
lovely...we were never created to walk this life alone...and we have an ever present one to walk it with us...
What a beautiful post.
SO nice. I just know, in the next world that you, my friend, are going to be a poet laureate.
So beautiful. I think we've all felt that way before. So grateful for a Heavenly father who loves me, and reaches out for me especially when life is hard.
This is so wonderful! I love your words. I love your favorite candies too.
Beautiful, Sue, as always. Thanks.
Just lovely; I continue to marvel at at your talent in writing. The pictures were breathe taking.
Blessings and hugs to you!
I loved it on her blog and I love it on yours. True words that we all need to hear often.
I would think you have the best blog books in the world. I love this poem and thanks so much for printing it here. You always lift my mood!
Thanks. I needed this today.
That was lovely. That promise 'My peace I give you' - what a gift.
Another winner!! Keep 'em comin'.
I just hope that you are putting all the ones you wrote this year with pictures on your poetry section on your computer.(Do you call that a poetry blog, or what is the proper name?) I know they will be on your blog for your family, but others should be able to read them too (without pictures)
"for I have known and loved you long before this earth was made."....I so love that line. Beautiful poem.
Great images and imagery!
WOW. Powerful. Just beautiful
Do you ever run out of beautiful and thoughtful words? I think not, my friend, I think not.
This is one of my favorites of yours, Sue. It gives me peace.
That is such a cool idea to turn the posts into books! Do you do this yourself?
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