Come as a Child
©2011 Susan Noyes Anderson
O, that the meekness of a child might somehow be my own!

My heart would never turn from Thee to find my way alone.

If I could hear as children hear, believe as children do...

then I would always feel Thee near, reminding me what's true.

But I am often filled with pride, and though I may not boast,

sometimes I fail to look up, even when I need Thee most.

Perhaps I think that I am strong and capable and wise.

I hope that I am all of these, but not in my own eyes.

The world would have me credit every good I do to me,

yet every virtue I can claim is but a gift from Thee,

and every skill that I employ is given by Thy hand.

Why must a truth so simple be so hard to understand?

O, that the meekness of a child might somehow fill my soul,

then would I let Thy goodness enter in and make me whole.
"Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child,
the same is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 18:4).
(Artwork by Greg Olsen)
The photos of the children are beautiful.
A perfect prayer. Amen
This post reminds me of our Primary Program yesterday. So sweet. So innocent and trusting.
I love the faith that little children have. They strengthen me.
this is so beautiful, Sue. Our primary program is next week--my favorite Sunday of the year! I love to hear the children sing and bear testimony!
Children are amazing. Loved your words.
Beautiful words and they are perfect with the art of Greg Olsen.
I love that Sue, what a beautiful post!! Glad I stopped by!
And the music. So perfect.
nice...perfect blend of pics and words...we must become like children...and He was no 'kid'ding in that...smiles.
Oh, the innocents and faith of children. Only if we could be like them in all things. This is a beautiful post. Hugs
Children are such good examples, aren't they.
Children are amazing!
I sat in Primary on Sunday as the children were practicing for the Sacrament Presentation next week - they were so excited, so full of faith and they sounded like angels!
Beautiful. Thanks for the reminder.
Wonderfully illustrated prayer...love it.
i had a new testament class with greg olsen's daughter at byuidaho. i remember wishing i could see the ones they hung in their home. i love everything he does.
Absolutely beautiful. Gave me chills and a few tears. I love the art work too. Greg Olson is so talented.
Beautiful - just beautiful.
A return missionary shared this principle with us in his talk yesterday. It's the only way back to Father...to be like a child, submissive, humble, meek and easily entreated.
Thanks for the reminder.
Sue, I have a personal prayer book in which I put prayers and bible verses that really resonate. May I please add this poem? No one would see it. It's just for my personal use. Thanks for considering.
Such a beautiful poem and photos. Thanks Sue! I wish I could have the faith that children do. I think that's why we need to spend more time with them and learn to laugh and love more!
Children photos and pictures of the savior make for a perfect post.
I've been to 3 primary programs lately. I just love the sweetness and strength of these children.
loved your words.
What beautiful photos - and interesting how all these sweet children always remind me of the Savior . . .
This IS hard to understand...that tension between our nothingness/reliance on God and our absolute worth in His eyes. It reminds me of Pres. Uchtdorf's recent talk.
I wrote about this tension a while back. Thought I'd share.
I loved this post and the photos and your sweet spirit. I hope you are having a lovely week.
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