Sunday, May 31, 2009
A Rousing, Rhyming, Riveting Birthday Romp
Saturday, May 30, 2009
A Host of Family Victories
Friday, May 29, 2009
Button, Button, Who's Got A Blog Button?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
On Hats, Hero Worship, and Horticulture
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Long and Winding Road...Home
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Memorial Day Matters: One Last Tribute
Sunday, May 24, 2009
America the Beautiful
I visited my parent's ward today, where one of the topics was learning from the past. This seemed an appropriate subject for Memorial Day, made more so by the fact that the speaker was a veteran, who clearly had intense feelings about both our country and those who fight to defend it. He expressed particular concern about what he viewed as a continuing failure of world leaders to learn from the lessons of history, a reality I have also noted with no small measure of trepidation.
This failure by leaders in exercising the humility necessary to learn from the past disturbs me greatly, but my intent this morning is not political in nature. Rather, I would like to pay tribute to generations of brave Americans who have given their all to establish and maintain our nation. Their patriotism, spirit of sacrifice, and devotion to duty have upheld and sustained us through generations of struggle and conflict, much of it engendered by human weakness and demonstrated inability to learn from past mistakes. Given our imperfection as human beings, we can predict with some certainty that global strife will continue to be with us, and I find comfort in the knowledge that men and women exist who are willing to put themselves on the line in serving a cause they hold greater than themselves. And for those citizens who are not career military, I am grateful that, when push comes to shove, Americans have repeatedly shown the courage and fortitude needed to defend the virtues and values we hold dear.
I sincerely thank every one of them: those who have stood for us before, those who are standing for us today, and those who will inevitably stand for us in the years to come.
Fittingly, the closing song for sacrament meeting was America the Beautiful, and the words resonated strongly with my feelings:
Oh, beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife,
who more than self their country loved and mercy more than life...
Beautiful, indeed.
One last and rather hopeful thing that occurred to me...So many voices today are raising concerns about the socialization of our country, and to be honest, I am concerned as well. But even stronger than my concern is my unwavering faith in the American people, who I firmly believe are capitalistic at their core, in the most fundamental sense of the word. Just as soldiers and diplomats have found it nearly impossible to change the engrained tribal cultures, behaviors, and predilections of men and women in the Middle East to match our own, so will any group or individual who tries to change the long-held and deeply rooted nature of the American people run into difficulty. I find this incredibly reassuring, and whatever peace I feel during this period of economic and political strife in our country is founded in my incontrovertible belief in two entities:
(1) the essential character of our citizens (after peeling away the layers of entitlement and complacency), and
(2) the Divine Peeler of Layers Himself.
In other words, I still think there is good fruit beneath some of the rot we have seen and are seeing. I have to believe, when the chips are down (and they are falling all around us), that we are and will continue to be patriots. Overly optimistic? Perhaps, but optimism is the life blood of our nation...and too much of it has been spilled to turn back now. These words pretty much say it all:
Oh, beautiful for patriot dream that sees beyond the years
thine alabaster cities gleam, undimmed by human tears...
And so I remember other patriots, too, on this Memorial Day weekend...not only those who have served our country well in the military, but those mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers who have sent them...who have stood by, supported, and feared losing them for the simple and not-so-simple-at-all reason that they feared losing something they held even more dear: their God-given freedoms and privileges as American citizens.
May every one of us resolve here and now to hold these inalienable rights sacred, and may we ever honor those who fight for them, at home and abroad.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Winners ALWAYS Prosper!
And so, with no further ado...the winners of Awaken Your Spiritual Power: The Fairy Godmother Isn't Coming are...(drum roll)...(fanfare horns)...(confetti and streamers)...
1. Jen (who also wins the Junky Heirloom stationery)
2. Joyful Noise
3. McAuliffe Bunch
4. Fiauna
5. Karen
6. K2Cole
7. Furious Mom
8. Natalie
9. VK
10. Kathy55439
Congrats to all of the winners! The only thing I need now are your email addresses. (You can find mine by looking in my profile.)
And again, thanks for participating!!
Friday, May 22, 2009
The Golf Widow
I am always awakened, not by their muffled noises but by the occasional and apparently unavoidable bursts of boisterous laughter, followed by equally loud attempts at "shushing" one another. I believe the vigorous shushing disturbs my sleep even more than the belly laughs.
It's all good, though. The golf widow knows how to entertain herself. She chats with her delightful folks, settles in with a savory book or two, hits up a few people in blogdom, and monopolizes her parents' computer creating inconsequential posts of this nature--all the while looking forward to the golden moment when her men come home from the golf wars, rosy with comraderie and sunburn, each one attempting to shout the other down as they regale her with stories of well-hit balls, perfect drives, and birdies. (No sand traps, lost balls or bogies allowed, please...except for the "other" guy's, of course!)
Add to this delectable brew the memory of past years spent in exactly the same way, and you end up with one very happy golf widow/proud mom, drinking in the rewarding and dearly familiar elixir of desert air and family bonding...of life and love and time-honored tradition.
PS. Today is the last day to comment here and get in on my "200th post anniversary" book and stationery giveaway. I will be drawing the winners' names at random tonight at 11:59 PM and announcing the results tomorrow morning. Good luck, all...and thanks for playing!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Oh, What a Beautiful Morning...!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Go, Go Glambert - Mad World Meets Ain't No Sunshine
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo! 200th Post Giveaway
On the illustrious occasion of this, my 200th post, I am officially announcing my second book giveaway!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Totally Terrific Todd, A Tribute
Sunday, May 17, 2009
A Writer's Born
Saturday, May 16, 2009
A Work of Art
photograph by Heather Murry Anderson ©2009; All rights reserved