Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Limerick for the Teacher

In Blogland, lives one femme fatale.
Her meme-ers know Jenny's that gal.
As teacher, she rules us.
As writer, she schools us.
No wonder she's our favorite pal!


Anonymous said...

WOW!...great limerick!...and I agree, I was just commenting on the teachers blog about learning something new everyday from blogland, and that she was still top of the list as best teacher/hostess.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Why do I feel like you and I should be holding the jump rope while everyone takes turn reciting as they jump it? :)

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

This is my Matlock limerick (extra credit for me this week in class??!)

There was an old woman from A Z
who was anything other than lazy.
She was always so busy
Her life in a tizzy
No wonder that woman was crazy.

AsylumTanya said...

Fun! I love limericks. However, in my post-pregnancy brain, I didn't realize that one of my favorite books to read to my son was written completely in that style! Sigh...I know, I'm crazy!

karen said...

It's makes me smile to see how much you all enjoy doing this. And it makes the rest of us smile to read what you do.
There was a young lady named Sue
Who penned lots of rhymes for her crew
Some of them funny
Most of them money
We love everything that she do.

*thank you. thank you very much*

Cathy Kennedy said...

Loved it! You so rock with your poetic talent. I know Jenny is going to get a hoot out of this one.

Come by to read…
L is for the way you LOOK at me

~Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

Rosalind Adam said...

I'm new to this Alphabe-thursday thing but I do think that's funny (am I allowed to laugh, being a new girl and all?!)

Saffron Road said...

Newbie here today and having fun with the letter "L"!

Anonymous said...

She is a keeper! I love her too.

Leovi said...

A nice tribute to Jenny. regards,
I wish you a happy summer.

Cindy Adkins said...

Awww, this is so perfect!!! You're getting an A!!!


Ingrid said...

Wow ! great ! You can join the circle of poets now !

Grandma Honey said...

This one made me laugh :)

Judie said...

Sue's so cool
And that's the truth.
Her poetry's a winner.
I'd print it out
and serve it up
Amd relish it for dinner!

Connie said...

I don't have a limerick to share but I sure enjoyed reading yours AND the others in the comments!

Lots of fun.

Ames said...

Great limerick Sue! You do those with such ease.~Ames

Kiddothings said...

What a cute limerick to honour Ms Jenny! And I read some good ones from your readers too!

Nancy said...

Very cute limerick Sue! :)

Darlene said...

Loved this limerick! I also loved Judie's. I also agree with you that Jennie is a great teacher and sometimes she REALLY gives a challenge.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This is a good one, Sue!

Stef said...

This is like polishing the apple for a good grade. Cheater!
(to self) why didn't I think of that.
Cute as always

Brian Miller said...

ha, cute tribute...smiles.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Perfect..perfect limerick for Jenny!

CB said...

That is too cute!! Jenny is a fun lady.

Caroline said...

I love it, Sue! As always--so clever! :)

alpinekleins said...

Hehehehe - so clever! And a great tribute!


Francisca said...

That's so cute, Sue! And so are Pxxxx's limerick and Judie's poem... (and Karen's to you!) What fun! I'm sure Jenny will be thrilled!

Pondside said...

You are Soooooooo Teacher's Pet!

Esther Joy said...

Yes, that Jenny makes us think, doesn't she?!! She stimulates our thought processes and keeps our brain waves active!

Thanks for your visit to Rock4Today!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

apt one,
well done.

Unknown said...

Very cute limerick! Jenny would be proud :)

Jenny said...

Wow! Just sitting here grinning from ear to ear. You are such a joy, Miss Sue.

I am actually speechless.

And laughing.

I totally love doing this gives me such happiness...

...and not just when someone writes a limerick just for me.

Love the rest of the comments, too.

Thanks, Sue. This hug-link came on a perfect day.
