Friday, July 29, 2011

Fish, Food, and Fire Pits

Fishing off the pier is lots of fun.

And so is eating at Ruby's diner.

Roasting marshmallows and wolf 'ems is a good time, too.

(Jeremiah lips are wearing some of the evidence.)

Don't I have good-looking grandkids?!


PS. To enter my 900th post giveaway, just leave a comment over here.


Pondside said...

Oh yes, they're beautiful children, despite their willingness to risk a change in the wind and those faces being permanent (or at least that's what my mother told me!)

Marsha said...

Ok - You've got my attention. What are woof 'ems? I even Googled it and it's no where to be found.

Unknown said...

They are darling! And it looks like you guys are having a great time.

Susan Anderson said...

I should have said "wolf 'ems," as in "wolf 'em down."

You take long sticks with wooden cups on the end, then you mold some dough around each cup and toast it. Afterwards, you fill the cup-shaped dough you've cooked with pudding and whipped cream.



karen said...

I've never heard of "wolf-ems" but now I want one. They sound delicious! So glad you're having a good time. I like to walk down the pier and eat at Ruby's too.

Ingrid said...

That certainly was lot of fun !

Lisalulu said...

This really made me smile, thanks I needed that.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you do...those grand-kids of yours are adorable. Hugs

Lindsey Buck said...

I LOVE Ruth's Diner!! I need to go there again when I can. I'm glad I read through the comments, because I hadn't heard of wolf'ems either. They sound like fun. :)

CB said...

Those kids are all so beautiful and it looks like they are full of personality and fun too!! What a great bunch!

Brian Miller said...

nice hat little man! ha looks like a lot of boys enjoy fishing as well...and roasting marshmallows....

Grandma Honey said...

I wish we had a Ruby's Diner here...I've heard such good things about it.

And YES, a definite YES that you have darling grandchildren.

Darlene said...

I'm wondering if you went out with them. I have never been able to do this and it looks so fun. Maybe next year. (I can only hope)

Did Heather make the dough? It sounds like something she would do. The wolf'ems sound delicious. She is getting to be so good with her baking. Matt tells me she bakes all their bread now. That is so great!!

Leaving, the time has gone fast---maybe not for you though since you have been there for two whole weeks. I just wish you didn't have to go home and then come back in five days. However, I know how good it will feel to sleep in your own bed again. Love all of you

Linda D. said...

I want to roast marshmellos with such cute little g-kids, too! BTW, caught you on Leigh Vs Laundry and loved your Freakshow Friday entry! Still LOL!

Gail said...

Now, that is something I would love...I could even make a funny face. Great, fun shots.

Stef said...

I am loving those eyes!

Karen Mortensen said...

Yes you do. What fun.

anitamombanita said...

they're adorable. How fun that you're getting to spend time with them. Makes me jealous...

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Cute and so funny! That Jeremiah is hilarious in the last shot.

yaya said...

Your grandkiddos are adorable! Food and fun just run together don't they? Are "wolf-ems" like pie irons? Those are always a hit around a fire pit! (wow, I made a tiny poem there!)

Jenny said...

They are so beautiful, Miss Sue. I was woried you might be making fish s'mores.




Ames said...

Looks like a lot of fun going on!~Ames

Anonymous said...

They have such fun with you!

Brian Miller said...

hope the rest of the weekend is going well for you and your fam sue

Annette Lyon said...

I'm a huge fan of roasting marshmallows, but even more--doing anything with grandma! I love seeing a grandma spend time with the little ones!

Amy said...

I LOVE summer adventure photos! What a grand time you all had. I especially love that lost photo. What fun and handsome grandkids you have!

Caroline said...

Yes you DO have good-looking grandkids! And the best part is that your family always seems to have so much FUN! I love it!
