When our perils are past, shall our gratitude sleep? ~George Canning
Freedom is never free.
In war, there are no unwounded soldiers. ~José Narosky

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation
is not to utter words, but to live by them. ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

This nation will remain the land of the free
only so long as it is the home of the brave. ~Elmer Davis
I admit to being a bit of a sap about Veteran's Day. If you feel the same way, you are going to like this video. If you don't feel the same way, I hope you watch it anyway. Maybe it'll change your mind.
Maybe I'm dense, but I couldn't find a video link or anything?
Happy V Day.
Honour indeed and may they never be forgotten
Hi Sue - I couldn't get the video to load, but I'll come back later to have a look.
I just took the video off and reloaded it, then had my parents check it out to see if it was working.
They said all systems are go!
Excellent H post :) .
Lovely, thanx for sharing..
You assembled a collection of wonderful quotes, Sue!!
the video gave me an error...
it always makes me sad when I think of the needless deaths but I suppose it couldn't be helped, great video
thanks for visiting my alphabe-thursday
Happy Veteran Day!
thanks for the uplifting words, pictures and video.
This is such a wonderful tribute to very special people.
It is alwasy good to remember and honor the brave men and women that have served our country!
there are no unwounded soldiers...i like that...
I loved the video and just shared it on Facebook. As an Army mom, I am especially aware of the honor our verterans deserve. Thanks!
Hauntingly beautiful. Thank you for the reminder.
The video worked ok. Very moving. Happy Veteran's Day!
I am so grateful for the soldiers and the veterans. Such a great sacrifice they made. What a blessing they are to all of us.
Thanks for the reminder! My deepest gratitude to all who served.
I do get teary eyed at all things patriotic. This did bring the tears to my eyes. Every man who has to go is a hero to me. Thanks for this great video. It really does make one proud of the men who are willing to fight for our freedoms. If only we don't turn around and lose them on the home front.
Amen Sue!! What an important day to remember those who have sacrificed so much.
Your parents read your blog? Awesome.
Thanks for sharing that today.
Beautiful tribute Sue.
I have to admit that not having any service people close to me I have not given much thought to Veteran's day in the past but so many friends now have sons or husbands serving it is closer to my heart.
This was great Sue. I had watched that video before but it was good to see it again, especially today. Very humbling.
I couldn't believe that there were only 3 of us on our block who had our flags a waving today. I was a little disappointed, but proud to have the opportunity to explain to my kids why WE had our flag out.
Well, that made my day and made me cry...I love our soldiers and I'm so grateful for all that have served for me, especially the vets from my family...Thanks for a great post.
Sue- you always have something good up your sleeve, and I'm always glad. Great post!
In Belgium the 11 Nov is a day off, celebrating the end of the first (!!) world war !
A great post. :)
Enjoyed this presentation as always, Sue.
We are blessed to live in this country and by those that protect it.
This is thoughtful.
Your pictures and quotes were sweet and beautiful. Thanks for stirring my heart in gratitude and remembrance.
Very cool, very appropriate post...
That was a great post. The video was wonderful.
That last picture of the older soldier made me cry.
Sue, this was wonderful. I feel badly that I didn't link to Veterans Day because it is a day my husband and I both honor.
Thank you for sharing such wonderful thoughts, pictures and quotes.
This was, indeed, a true honor to all the brave men and women who have served our country.
Thank you.
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