My growing collection of blog books makes me happy.
Twelve of them, to be precise.
Each with a different cover and dedication.
This one has the words to "Sunrise, Sunset" inside the cover.
I use Blog 2 Print, which pretty much does all the work for me.
It slurps your blog right over into a book.
Not a bad result, huh? A little pricey, but worth it!
{love notes to my progeny}
for more happiness, click below
I looked into doing this but just can't afford it! I would love to have my blog in print. hugs, Linda
My mom does this...she just waits until they have a big sale and makes her purchase!
I used blog to print to print some of my favorite posts for my brother who is in a nursing home and does not have access to a computer. They do a nice job.
I really want to make one. Need to get off my behind and make one.
our words are a huge legacy...and these are really cool...how often do you do them?
What a FANTASTIC idea, Sue!! Your blog works well transformed into books and I think this will be just a gift to your children one day. I often think about what will be the future of our blog spaces? Will we eventually be charged for them by google? Will they one day not belong to us? What a great way to take what is yours and put it into something you can hold in your hands and flip through.
I am glad you shared! You know I love this!!!
that's way cool...I need to do that!
Oh! Yes, delicious books, I love a pretty good idea.
Very cool. I make blog books too. I use Blurb. I like them.
LOVE this! I have been meaning to do this for quite some time & I guess I really need to just do it. Maybe by year or something. maybe I will start with the family blog first since there is a lot less content.
What a wonderful thing to save and read over again yourself.
I'm afraid no one would print my blog because of the highly subversive content.
I've been thinking about doing this. I'll have to look into the cost I guess, as this seems to be an issue with some people. Thanks for the nudge!
That is just so awesome! I love printing my blog. I have a really weird thing about them though. I don't like to look through them. I hate the way I write and I find all kinds of grammar issues. I'm always disappointed. But my hope is that my kids and grandkids will someday like them.
When am i going to get around to this? I know I need to . . .
I'm just about ready to publish my 4th book. I have always used blurb. Com. Might need to check out blog to print.
Nice job Sue
I do this every year too. I have mine from sharebook...and it's not too bad. It's also not a hard cover, but I really love having this journal of my year. I too put a new dedication in every year and hopefully someone besides me will enjoy it! I love the look of yours. I will have to check out this site for myself..thanks for sharing!
Cool! I remember reading about this a year or so ago, but never looked into it. I'm glad you printed yours, Sue!
I love printing my blog into a book! What could be better.
You have been a busy little bee :-D
I think it is absolutely terrific that you have done this, Sue. Your progeny will be so happy to have this when you are gone. When I think how little I have to remind me of my parents, I have to be really grateful that through all the means we have now with technology, our children will have lots more wonderful memories of us. I know I haven't done as much as you have, but I think I may have enough to do a book. I am definitely going to look into it. Even though it is pricey, it is SO worth it in the long run.
If I can ever get past 1985, I may even put my written history into book form.
I love the idea of your blog books! That's a new one to me -- and a great one. Makes me happy just to think about it!
A legacy for sure! I love what you have done. I'm trying to decide if I should make all my pictures small before submitting them to be in book form?
I'd like to do this one day - just need to get to it. I'm always afraid that I'll lose my blog and all the memories I've written.
What a perfect way to share this part of yourself with your children and grandchildren.
Cool books.
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