She begins by alluding to President Hinckley's conference talk following 9/11, wherein he referenced Pharaoh's dream from Genesis rather specifically. He didn't hit us over the head with the dream or its interpretation, he merely said, "I do not know what the future holds. I do not wish to sound negative, but I wish to remind you of the warnings of scripture and the teachings of the prophets which we have had constantly before us. I cannot forget the great lesson of Pharaoh's dream of the fat and lean kine and of the full and withered stalks of corn."
Michelle's article then refreshes our memories about the seven years of feast and seven years of famine forecasted by that Old Testament dream, calling to our attention the interesting fact that our economy experienced what could reasonably be called "seven years of feast" after President Hinckley gave this talk in October of 2001 and that the stock market crashed in October of 2008, exactly seven years later, beginning what could easily become "seven years of famine." Without insisting that a direct parallel exists, she does make this highly intriguing query:
"I wonder, as I reflect on President Hinckley’s words, if I take prophetic counsel a bit too casually. Unlike the bellowing doomsayers of the past, our prophets are gentle, kind, even avuncular in their manner. Perhaps I’ve regarded their words as friendly advice rather than divine instruction?"
She then refers us to President Monson's most recent conference talk, with the inference that we might have a lot to gain from considering whether the message given there is worth another look to ensure that we are affording it as much gravitas as it deserves.
Michelle's words spoke straight to my heart, and they hit my brain pretty hard as well. Too often, I am guilty of regarding a prophet's words more "casually" than spiritual wisdom would suggest. Don't get me wrong here...I certainly listen...I even choose to believe...but what I don't always do is use my spiritual ears to hear exactly what the Lord is telling me...or my spiritual eyes to see what he would have me do. As a result, I don't always act...or change...or benefit as fully as I could.
Sometimes I just plain miss the boat. And I intend to do something about that.
Thanks, Michelle.
Wow, that's all I can think. Just wow. Thanks for sharing this Sue!
That's just how it hit me, Natalie. A real epiphany.
It is funny I should read this post tonight... I was just at or WC today and I had a thought about this same thing. I didn't think back to Pres. H talk but I was thinking of that scripture story and how I felt it applies to us.... this scripture was not mentioned today at the conf but it was something else that was said that trigged the thought of this story in my mind and then on the way home I was thinking how much the latter days or similular to the days in the scriptures... and it is so true that I too need to REALLY listen to prophetic counsel. Today in one of the talks it was suggested to always bring a question to conf with you and as you listen for the answers I think it will help us better listen to the prophet... ok so you know my writing is poor but i hope you can get the feel of what I am trying to communicate:) I was in sync with your blog today:)
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