My presents are wrapped, my house is nearly ship-shape, and my heart is happy to greet my family and begin celebrating Christmas together. Yes, I am still coughing, but I was able to sleep in my own bed last night instead of sitting up in a chair, and I call that progress!
More progress is that I just put the finishing touches on my annual Christmas Eve story last night, and I am deeply satisfied with the results. (Whew!) It won't be available on the blog until next year (I don't want to tip my hand to the fam!), but on Thursday I will post a really lovely one I wrote for a Christmas past, in case you are looking for something to share with your families Saturday night.
And now, here is what I'd like to share with YOU:

©2011 Susan Noyes Anderson
This Christmas JOY comes once a year.
Some like to call it yuletide cheer,
but I call it a heart of gold
for Christ, the newborn King of old.
The golden glow surrounds your heart
and makes of it a better part...
more happy and more filled with love...
more certain of a life above.
It fills you up and makes you whole,
ignites a knowledge in your soul
that all is well and e'er will be:
A Child was born for you, for me.
Then spread the message all year long
in thought and deed, in word and song.
There's much to do and much to be.
Where truth meets action, men are free.
By keeping Christmas through the year,
you draw the Savior's presence near,
make of the world a better place,
and in your heart prepare more space
for Christmas JOY, December's cheer,
that truly comes but once a year.
I know all too well that some years are easier on the heart than others, but I hope every one of you feels at least a glimmer of Christmas JOY this year. Truly, one of His greatest gifts to us is the peace that passeth all understanding. And what is Christmas about, if not His gifts?
"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:7).
PS. I'm going to begin the process of catching up with everyone's blogs today. Forgive my absence; I felt better doing my coughing and hacking without a computer on board!
click here for more happiness
Wow Sue look at all those bags full of presents wrapped and ready!
Your family must love that every year they get a specially written story from you, who is so gifted.
What a wonderful blessing for them and for you to, to be able to share what is in your heart.
Thanks for sharing with us out in blog land too!
I'm jealous of the wrapped presents. I'm still wrapping. Ugh. Hope you feel better soon. Can't wait to read the story next year too.
I have been telling myself,every night, for the last week to start wrapping....NOPE!!! GREAT JOB to you!
i am glad you are feeling better...and are ready for christmas...lots of fun...and enjoy your family...i look forward to the coming year and all it brings...i also like the thought of keeping christmas through the year....
You have so many presents to deliver. I enjoyed your poem!
I am in the coughing stage too. I wish I was more prepared; but hopefully it will all get completed. I loved your post today. The poem was awesome as usual. I can't wait for your story; I loved the one last year.
Blessings to you Sue and a wish for a very healthy and joy filled Christmas for you and yours.
so glad you're feeling better...nothing makes me feel better faster than the family coming to visit!!! yay. yippee...and bah humbug on that big kitty...heehee
Merry Christmas my dear friend.
I need to wrap. It's looming over my head.
You are so ahead of me! I have parts of family done because we were there and it had to be finished...but the ones here are still in need of some presents and I'm trying to squeeze it all in along with will get done, I keep chanting to myself! I'm glad you are feeling better. I loved the pastry from your Mom and I did follow here instructions and it was great! Have a healthy and fun week with family.
You sound sooo organized! I'm sit scrambling and here I sit. The computer sucks me in every time! Happy holidays Sue!!
Hi, Sue, wishing a holiday season full of joy and love for you and yours.
I am so happy to count you among the regular readers on my blog. I hope you know how much your supportive comments mean to me.
Sue, it's simply lovely. I was in the dog toy department yesterday and there was a cart with two little boys there being pushed by their mother. She was looking for a gift for a friend's dog. I suggested the rubber chicken, but she wasn't interested. I asked the older of the two little boys if he was excited about Santa. He appeared to be almost 5. He informed me that Santa wasn't real. His mother coached him into telling me that Christmas was only about the birth of Christ. His mother and I chatted for a few seconds, and as I turned to leave, the boy asked, "is Santa real?" I chose my words carefully, and told him that the baby Jesus is real.
My days have been kind of messed up, and I accidentally posted my Thursday post today, and I decided to just leave it up. It's my annual Christmas letter. I will be anxious to read your Thursday offering, Sue. I know it will be wonderful.
So glad you have gotten so far along with getting ready for Christmas. Wish I could say the same. I still have presents to wrap.
Just wish you didn't have to do anything at all so you could just rest and recover.
I absolutely love this poem, Sue. I notice it said you wrote it in 2011, so does that mean you wrote it recently? How ever did you find the time? It is great and I wish I could write poetry like that.
You've accomplished a lot while you've been sick!
Love your poem. You have such a gift.
Check out those gifts! Hope you have a fabulous Christmas and are feeling better soon.
I am glad you are starting to feel well, there has been a lot of coughing around Colorado lately too, in fact Little Hailey had to take a steroid last week for is that time of year too, but it sounds like you will be well for merry making this weekend!
I'm a little jealous! I haven't gotten nearly enough done!
You are my hero.
I hope to do better next year. I look forward to the pictures.
Merry Christmas, Sue. I'm so glad I know you!
"make of the world a better place,
and in your heart prepare more space"
I've never heard it expressed that way before, but oh how clever and what great sense that makes!
Merry Christmas Sue. I hope your cough goes away so you can get the rest you need to enjoy your family.
I'm glad you are on the mend in time for Christmas. I just finished wrapping ALL the gifts yesterday (my last day with the kids in school). Feels so good to have everything tidied and under the tree.
Thanks for sharing your poetry. I always love it.
Sue I am so glad you are better. Gosh I have been so behind in blogs and postings. I am finally going to blog today about the gorgeous quilt I won from you last month. I love it and it is on my bed and I am hugged each night. Enjoy your family and all the love that is Christmas. hugs, Linda
I love the Christmas poem! And I have had the crud you are coughing up too. I went as soon as I felt the tickle and got antibiotics from the doctor. Robitussin Dm and plenty of hot tea and rest!~Ames
wow! so many bags full of gifts wrapped and ready!
what a delight to see.
i am jealous of the wrapped presents, too. lol!
have a very merry xmas!
Oh sweetie, I'm so glad your feelin' better. I've held you in my prayers.
Woohoo...looks like your ready to rock and roll with the Christmas punches.
Have a wonderful time with your precious family and a Merry Christmas sweetie!!! :o)
a. I am glad you are FINALLY feeling better, truly a yucky time to be sick. b. I too am so far behind! c. love the poem and I shall read it Christmas Eve :from 'my friend Sue', d. this Christmas is find me full of troubles/problems, we need all the Christmas cheer we can so THANK for your writing! and e. hahah NEXT year!
I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better and I read that your mom will be on the way tomorrow, so let the fun begin! Maybe all that family will be just the medicine you need, but just in case, try to get your rest and eat healthy. (Can you hear me laughing?) Just enjoy, girl, and have lots of fun. Love to you and your family!
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