Thursday, May 19, 2011

Eating What We Sow

To plant a garden makes us whole.

It warms the heart and feeds the soul.

No sweeter feast will e'er be known

than eating what our hands have grown.

(photos courtesy of tendershootz)

click below for more E posts


Jen said...

Oh what a yummy salad you'll be eating! We wish we had more sunshine. Our neighbors do share with us though, thank goodness.

Tracy said...

I love how u have divided your plot up

RedTedArt said...

I love eating what we sew... sadly it isn't enough to replace shopping, but it is fun!

Unknown said...

I love my garden. There isn't anything better than a fresh garden tomato! Yum!

Terra said...

Um, YUM! We love radishes here...we have wet seeds...yup that is what we will be eating. wet seeds.

Anonymous said...

What fun to watch part of your meals growing right in your yard.

Diane said...

Very impressive. I'm not much of a gardener myself but thank goodness for those who are! My father-in-law keeps up supplied with fresh veggies throughout the summer.

Lola said...

Hi again!

Great ‘E’ post!Love eating home grown produce!

Have a great weekend ahead & look forward to *seeing* you again next time,


Btw Alphabe-Thursday

Jenny said...

My Grands are forever picking 'lunch' out of the garden. Yesterday Morgan said, "Let's see what I can eat out there" afer preschool. She got some berries and cherry tomatoes. She chastised the cucumbers to 'hurry up and get bigger!"

Cute post!

Ingrid said...

and they are bio or organic, that's for sure and you don't have to pay horrendous prices for them in special shops !

Caroline said...

I'm going to read this one to the girls tonight too! It's perfect and I'm trying to teach them more about gardening this year!

Your produce looks wonderful! The garden is doing well, I see! :)

cj Schlottman said...

Yum! This is truly a tasty post.


Dominique Goh said...

It's great to be able to eat the harvest that you planted.. lovely radishes.

Lisa Loo said...

Makes me excited for my own garden but with our weather we are no where near ready for outdoor planting. {{deep sigh}}}

aspiritofsimplicity said...

wonderful poem. And, your little garden looks delicious.

larainydays said...

You make me miss my garden. We are redoing our grow boxes and have no garden right now. I can't wait for the winter crop.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I love eating,and fresh veggies and fruits are a fav.
Great "E".
Thanks for visit and comment on my flowers.

Judie said...

Sue, it gives one a true sense of satisfaction to eat what you sow. Great post!!

karen said...

It's true - nothing tastes better than vegetables and fruits fresh from the sunny garden. I really do need to have LaMar build me a garden box for the patio, so we can enjoy such deliciousness this summer and fall.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Well said..

Brian Miller said...

nice. lovely little verse and how true...we have become so seperated from what we eat and in doing so think lose much of the experience...

yaya said...

If it ever stops raining, I may get our garden in. It will be Sept. or maybe even Christmas before we harvest at this rate!

Ames said...

I'm looking for my tomatoes to hurry up and get ripe. I want to have one of those raised bed gardens! Sweet post!~Ames

Stacy said...

I bought my plants and have my seeds, now I'm just waiting for the rain to stop coming. I really love your raised beds. Ours need redone and I think I might do it like yours. ;)

Amy said...

Yummm! That looks delicious, and I love your sweet little poem. It would be perfect on a plack right by a garden. Would you mind if I did that?

Stef said...

I have only planted a garden once. Last year. It didn't do too well. Except for the tomatoes. They were aweseome. But no fear, we will be doing boxes this year....but I buy my veggies already growing. I'm sneaky that way.

ellen b. said...

Hello Sue! How fun to have a garden and enjoy its bounty! Have an excellent end of the week and weekend!

Jess said...

Yum- I love home grown vegetables. I still haven't even planted my garden because we're still in february here. I'm feeling a little miffed about that.

Pondside said...

It will be a while before we're eating from our garden, but I can't wait!

Karen Mortensen said...

Cool garden. I love radishes.

Joy For Your Journey said...

Sweet poem, but I am so glad we don't have to eat radishes! We have corn though. I am looking forward to that.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

That's the truth! Nothing taste so good than freshly picked veggies from the garden.

Helen said...

This is very nice.

Leovi said...

Excellent idea, I'd do it too.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

True! And let's talk about the taste of a garden fresh tomato!!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Perfectly yummy, fresh and healthy!

Karen Sue said...

Square foot gardening?? I was planting outside this week and hope to have it done by next weekend, although it is cold and rainy enough it may just wait for Noah to go by to make it grow!!

Darlene said...

37 posts? Oh my gosh. This you get from a four line poem. Of course the pictures have a lot to do with it, I am sure. It makes me keep wishing we had an actual vegetable garden that we could eat from, but I'm aftaid that will never happen here. I'm sure the kids will continue to get a big kick out of the things they will be able to eat in their garden.

storybeader said...

great looking garden! I don't like radishes myself, but they sure are pretty! {:-D

Myrna Foster said...

I agree with your poem, and your garden looks great!

Grandma Honey said...

Sweet! And I especially love seeing your beautiful granddaughter.

EG CameraGirl said...

AH! It's great to watch seeds sprout and grow. And how tasty the produce is!

H said...

Somehow, stuff tastes so much better when you have laboured to grow it :)