Thursday, May 5, 2011

C is for Can Do!

Do you need helping hands? Can do!

The Singles Ward is here for you!

We'll tote those 2x4's all day.

And bolt 'em down to make 'em stay.

(Our family ward works hard as well.)

This service stuff is pretty swell!

Can do, indeed! Early in the morning, so many of our young adults showed up to participate in community service that we had to reassign some of them to different projects. Mormon Helping Hands was in full swing last Saturday all over the State of California, and a lot of good work was done. Pretty neat!

for more C posts, click below


People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

To be honest, I've never met another community of people like the Mormons. We could all take a lesson from that.

storybeader said...

that's fabulous! And what a pretty fence... much better than metal or concrete. Good show! {:-Deb

larainydays said...

It's amazing what the people in yellow can do.

Karen Mortensen said...

We had one of those last Saturday too. I couldn't go because I was sick. Wish I could of.

Unknown said...

Many hands make light yellow work!

Judie said...

Sue, what a nice tribute to those hard-working kids!!

Jess said...

Do you think the vests give them more energy? Can I have one if so?

anitamombanita said...

Awesome! Miss all of you guys!!

Unknown said...

Amazing what we Can Do when we work together! Great C post :) .
Thanks for stopping by Love Living Simply!

Joseph Pulikotil said...

This is a wonderful group of young people motivated to be useful to the community. When grown up people are so self centered it is magnificent to see these youngster setting a marvelous example. Lovely photos.

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh, that is amazing!!! How fantastic!


Renegades said...

It's great when people get together to accomplish projects. Sunddenly big ones don't seem so big.

Jen said...

I always enjoyed participating in these kinds of service projects...working together and seeing it done. Fun!

Life in Rehab said...

Could those guys for a bit? I'll feed them well, I promise!

Ingrid said...

That's really great ! (and cool !)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It's nice to see young people banded together to do good and be helpful! Wonderful "C" post!

Theresa Plas said...

That IS pretty neat! Good to see young ones working together so productively.

karen said...

That's so awesome! What a great day of work!

Ames said...

The team gets an "A+" for effort! :)~Ames

Joy For Your Journey said...

That is awesome!! It looks like everyone had a great time. We had a similar event a few months ago and it just made me swell with pride when I saw all the people from our ward who came out. Nothing like community service to build unity!!

Darlene said...

Good post, Sue. Dick came home from our Helping Hands Day last Saturday so sore he could hardly move. I felt so sorry for him on Sunday because of course it is worse the next day. He is still hurting because after washing windows all the time he was at the Boys and Girls Club in Cathedral City, he has been doing a lot of work for me, including a short stint of window washing. He feels good though about being able to help. We had such a good turn out.

By the way, I thought you were going to change the music on this.

Mormon Women: Who We Are said...

Love seeing pics of this. Tell your young adults I love seeing the good they do and the good people they are trying to be!

Mormon Women: Who We Are said...

That was me. ;)

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Can do! I like what these young people do!

RedTedArt said...

Fabulous post! Really like the Can Do spirit and great to get everyone involved!


Vrinda said...

Great post, I like it.

Yes we can do anything if we have strong will and wish.

Mari's World said...

This is wonderful, you hear so much bad press about young people that this restores faith in them time and time again. Great day had by all it looks

Grandma Honey said...

And wasn't it the most wonderful feeling!

Lisa Loo said...

I love seeing the end results of all these projects! Last year our youth did a big project for a local ranch and it was the neatest thing ever--LOVE service!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

That is just wonderful to see people helping people.

Yes, we Can Do!

Brian Miller said...

nice. it is awesome that so many were there...and a great deed!

Dominique Goh said...

That's great that you are in a community which has such strong neighbourliness spirit. Thanks for stopping by.

Catherine said...

What a great example of camaraderie and hard work. Nicely done.

Jenny said...

Sue, what an inspiring post! I love the 'can do' attitude and the beauty accomplished through hard work and fellowship.

What a heartwarming link!
