Burdens to Blessings
©2016 Susan Noyes Anderson
When life rears up and strikes me down,
when all the world turns bleak,
I look to God for hope and find
the comfort that I seek.
He may not snatch me from the jaws
of troubles I must bear,
yet He walks with me faithfully.
I feel His presence there.
Sometimes I choose to turn away
when suffering is great.
I rail against His timing, spurn
His help that comes "too late."
My heart does not remember then
what I remember now;
that if I would be as He is,
my life must teach me how.
For strength flows from the spirit
that has exercised its might.
Each violent storm I conquer
brings me closer to His light.
My Father has a plan for me,
a plan I once endorsed.
Each soul must find its way to Him;
no spirit shall be forced.
May I accept with grace all things
that bring me to my knees––
in joy or sorrow, grateful
for my opportunities.
The world is one small moment
pulled from vast eternity.
Father, I would be mindful
of thy priceless gifts to me:
Life lessons that I need to learn,
a family filled with love,
a Savior who will lead me home