Patriot Dreams
©2015 Susan Noyes Anderson
A grateful country shed her fears
as fighting men came home at last.
allied with nations we helped save,
and fair to those we overcame.
a union that was strong and whole,
a nation that was proud and free.
The means were often in dispute,
to crown with good and brotherhood
a land we all chose to revere.
We took a little, gave a little,
Sometimes we met right in the middle
to ensure the country won.
Hard work was valued and rewarded;
Industry was praised, not thwarted.
All our hopes were on the rise.
Flags were flown and pledges spoken.
Patriot dreams were still unbroken.
Faith waxed stronger than despair.
Values laid a sure foundation.
Firm resolve, not resignation,
was the gift we gave our young.
A land of dreamers? Yes, indeed.
Believing that we could succeed,
the limit was our starry sky.
But hope gave way to animus.
The answer lies in each of us.
Our children practice what we preach.
The love of country starts at home.
No patriot is born alone.
Beginnings frame our destiny.
Who trades belief for bitterness?
Commitment is not hit or miss.
The dream is ours. We'll see it through.
Walk tall on Independence Day.
The path is clear. Let no one say
too many bridges have been burned.
In order to claim victory,
we must believe. We must belong.
Respect and honor differences,
Negotiation is the key.
We get it right when we fight fair.
Fairness requires an open mind,
a listening ear, a lack of guile.
Why not leave enmity behind
to serve our nation with a smile?
a listening ear, a lack of guile.
Why not leave enmity behind
to serve our nation with a smile?
And as the fireworks light the stars,
Their legacy, uniquely ours,
demands the best in us…and more.
Be brave; be loyal, and be true.
Embrace this land of ours and prove
Patriot dreams can still be born....I do hope so! Great words here!
Oh my dear Sue; this was so awesome. I loved all the pictures because they brought back memories of how it was and how it should be. You said it all and I pray always for this great country to be strong. I do believe the key is for parents to teach and set an example of their love for this country too. We must have a Patriot's dream again.
We need this poem to go nationally someway. Your thoughts are so true and heartfelt.
Sending hugs your way! Blessings for this one~
Sue ~ This is a wonderful post for the 4th of July ~ and it was a great time to grow up ~ Thanks for creating this ~ such loving memories ~
Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol
A delightful walk through the history of USA !!
Very nice post for Americans. I hope for you the dream will last !
Wonderful post for the Fourth, and for every day!
Great collection of patriotic photos and posters! Hope you had a great 4th!
Well written, Sue. I do fear for the divisions between the Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. You need a strong leader who can pull people together. For sure there must be someone worthy of being President...but is she/he willing to serve amidst so much acrimony?
Sue, your words are a gift!!
Thank you soooooo much for your comments on my post! It was just what I was looking for. I am glad you feel you know me well enough to say just what is on your mind. More later!
You have a wonderful way with words. Thank you.
The View from the Top of the Ladder
I'm a bit late with my comment but I hope not late with my love of your poem and sentiments. I hope our children will prove that America is a strong land and will overcome the challenges we're all facing. I'm glad I grew up in the time I did. Not that it was perfect, but it sure seemed a bit less confusing as to what was right and what was wrong and what we believed in. God Bless America!
I feel like I've just unwrapped a perfect and beautiful gift.
I haven't read your writing in so long.
Your word crafting is sublime.
Your imagery poignant and powerful.
Thanks for linking Miss Sue.
I miss you.
Hugs and A++++++
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