Saturday, July 13, 2013

How Do You Like to Go Up?

first line of a poem by Robert Louis Stevenson

Our Ms. Matlock has created a combo picture and word prompt for this week's Saturday Centus. How clever is that?! 110 words of poetry or prose will complete the assignment. And by the way, don't you love this cool sign from her Etsy shop? I have several in my house and even had her make custom signs for my family Christmas gifts last year. 

But I digress. Below is my response to a prompt that is close to my heart. (I love to go high!)


 How do you like to go up in a swing?

Pump your legs or be pushed?

Take it slow or take wing?

How do you like to consider the sky?

Safe and sound, from the ground?

Perched in trees, eye-to-eye?

There's no right or wrong way to take in the view.

Embrace, grace, or chase life.

It's all up to you!

{just make sure that you do}



Dreaming said...

I LOVED this! Oh... and I will!

Gail said...

What wonder and beauty in these pictures and these faces.

21 Wits said...

Yep, pretty much describes the perfect world of swinging! Excellent!

Brian Miller said...

it is all up to us...learning to swing is a wonderful feel of freedom...close to touching the sky, to flying...makes me want to breathe deep....

Nancy said...

We have a tire swing here, but I think I would get stuck in it. Lol.

Unknown said...

I love this one. Might even have to share it with my class when school starts.

EG CameraGirl said...

I love the joie de vive in this post, Sue!

Eden House News and views said...

another post with cute swinging pictures love it

Grandma Honey said...

Love the ending....It's all up to you. So true. So true.

4 Lettre Words said...

Totally agree. :) Love it!

Anonymous said...

I love to pump and lean back just a little.

karen said...

I could feel myself swinging when I read this. I don't like to be pushed - it makes me feel out of control. Slow and steady, back and forth, taking in the view from the top.

LeAnn said...

Lovely poetry and beautiful pictures; I enjoyed this one.
I must admit that I enjoy being in a swing but I don't like going higher.

yaya said...

As a person not fond of heights, I do enjoy flying high on a swing! I also get motion sick after a bit! That doesn't stop me from having a good time! Loved the poem with the pics!

Momza said...

Darling! love it...sucha good metaphor for life!!

Jenny said...

Oh Sue.

This made me heart soar.

It's been a rough week around here and this just brightened my whole soul!

Thank you sweet lady!

Your writing is an inspiration AND a blessing.

alpinekleins said...

Amazing. . . . this takes me back, I think I indulged in all those things once upon a very long time ago :D
