Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Kites: Don't Tie Your Happiness

from Looking for Me, by Beth Hoffman

Just grab hold and run with it!


for more happiness, click below

for more K posts, click below


yaya said...

Others may bring happiness, but being happy is an individual responsibility. Just like a testimony..can't depend on someone else's. As always, a good post!

yaya said...

Others may bring happiness, but being happy is an individual responsibility. Just like a testimony..can't depend on someone else's. As always, a good post!

Pondside said...

That's a lesson that each of us has to learn in her own time. Sometimes it's a hard lesson and sometimes it's learned with joy!

BECKY said...

Hey Sue! Great words and they remind me of a favorite of mine: Grow where you are planted!
Thanks for sharing with us!

Grandma Honey said...

This is a concept I'm finally starting to "get." Gretchen Rubin talks about this in her book The Happiness Project. Simple things like what is fun for one person is not fun for another.

Brian Miller said...

hey kites make me happy...
but so true on tying it to another...

happy wednesday to you
raining here, no kites will fly...

Unknown said...

Are you suggesting I should "tie one on"? :)
Not a bad idea. :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Wonderful advice, Sue!

karen said...

Good thoughts, Sue! So easy to make others responsible for our happiness rather than ourselves, isn't it? Each of us must find our own happiness and bloom where we're planted!

Leovi said...

Beautiful photos, wonderful colors, lovely photos!

Amy said...

Wisdom that would do us all well if we could learn it earlier in life. Love the pictures with it!

Dominique Goh said...

Interesting quotation. I agree happiness needs to be found by yourself.

Eden House News and views said...

Such a simple quote but very powerful thank you

Anonymous said...

Fun and creative post for K and delightful photos ~ thanks ~ Happy Week to you !

SarahBeth said...

That's some really good advise!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

love that quote!

Ingrid said...

I love watching kites !

LeAnn said...

Great pictures and great words to live by.

fredamans said...

Fantastic quote! I love kites!

Jenny said...

That is such a kute quote...

I love it!

Sending kisses your way for such a killer "K" post!

Thanks for linking.
