Friday, June 7, 2013

Connecting by Feedly


I'm sure most of you are aware that Google Reader will be a thing of the past on July 1st. For months I have been trying to figure out how to stay in touch with the blogs that matter most to me, and I have finally made a decision. Yesterday, I joined Feedly and was happy to find that all of my "followed" blogs from Google Reader transferred over at the click of a button. What's more, by choosing the "magazine" format, I have been able to approximate the look I am used to, and I think this will be a smooth transition for me.

Having said that, I am not pleased with this latest action taken by Google. I'm not sure why they keep pulling the plug on services loyal customers have enjoyed over the years, and their doing so continues to erode my trust in them. Still, I am going to push forward as best I can. Who knows? Eventually, Google may let Blogger go as well, at which time I will probably move to Wordpress and get used to that, too.

For now, the main thing is staying in touch with all of you, and Feedly will allow me to do that. Just wanted to spread the word in case others are worried about the same thing I was...the prospect of losing touch with blogs and bloggers I have grown to care about.

Our connections are worth preserving!


PS. You will need to make the change prior to July 1st or the data from Google Reader will be lost, leaving you to recreate the list of blogs you follow as best you can.

PPS. I just joined Bloglovin, too. It was easy to transfer my Google Reader stuff with just one click, though the site does a lot less than Feedly. However, it has a social component Feedly doesn't have. Over time, I will decide which one I prefer!

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EG CameraGirl said...

Thanks for the warning, Sue! I had better check it out fast!

Pam Beers. said...

Thanks, Sue. Feedly it is. Good informative post. Some of these companies make me so angry such as Google. My thought is, 'If it ain't broke don't fix it.'

Janet Martin said...

It makes one feel quite vulnerable, doesn't it. thank-you so much for sharing this.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it a shame? It seemed like a pretty useful and popular tool. Not sure why they're ending it. Boo!

Grandma Honey said...

I was hoping someone would find a solution so I thank you very much for sharing. I just signed up but don't know how to put it in magazine format like you suggested. Also, it did not carry all my blogs over....for example yours is missing. I must be doing something wrong but can't figure out what.

karen said...

I transferred by blogs yesterday over to blog lovin.' I hope it all goes well. I would have followed your lead with Feedly had I know about it... but I'm still not sure how it works. Google Schmoogle.

Susan Anderson said...

I just wrote you an email, Jill, that I hope will help you figure Feedly out. It just takes a little experimenting. I was a bit confused at first, too.


storybeader said...

thanks for passing on the info. Sounds like a good choice. I don't know what it is with Big Business - they always want to make changes, even when things are working fine! {:-Deb

Unknown said...

thanks. I'll try it.

Ingrid said...

I switched to Feedly too, already when I heard that Google Reader would stop. Some blogger gave us this tip and I find it very good. Won't miss Google Reader ! What I don't like is this new invention Google+ ! If you want to comment you have to subscribe ! That's forcing people I hate that !

jen said...

Thanks, Sue. Feedly sounds good. Is Google getting so big that they don't care about the little people? Hmmm. Worries me a touch.

LeAnn said...

Thanks for the information and the links; I am going to check them out. I do feel concerned with Google Reader being discontinued. I too worry about what might happen to my blogs in the future.
Blessings and hugs!

Stacy said...

Thanks for letting me know. I'm going to have to change over. Really just one click?

Nancy said...

I don't know what I'm going to do. Hurts my head just to think about it. :)

Brian Miller said...

have yet to figure this out....
guess i need to though...
i dont know why google keeps
messing with things every year...

Jenny said...

Cool post for the letter "C"...

Staying connected is what life is all about!

Thanks for linking.
