Saturday, June 15, 2013

Dedicated to Dads

Father Fan Club
©2013  Susan Noyes Anderson

A dad is an anchor when things go quite wrong
and a fan club when things go quite right.
He's there to protect you when you're super scared
of those things that go "bump" in the night.

He'll teach you to throw, and he'll teach you to catch,
and he'll race you from here to the door.
He may even show you the cool way to spit––
but ya better steer clear of Mom's floor!

He'll wrestle you, tickle you, lift you sky high,
and then toss you around in the pool.
He'll crack up your friends, poking fun at them all
till they think that he's totally cool.

He'll take you on treasure hunts, hike through the woods,
and rent fishing boats out on the bay.
He's gonna make sure that you bait your own hook,
but he'll probably help you filet.

Dad likes to share stories from when he was young,
and he makes up his own stories. Boo!
Sometimes they are scary; sometimes they are funny,
but always they're worth listening to.

He gives you a high-five when you hit the ball
and a backslap when you've grounded out.
He watches recitals and plays and ballet
with no more than a hint of a pout.

He teaches the things every kid needs to know
and forgives you when you make him grumpy.
He breaks out lame jokes when the world brings you down
and reminds you life's meant to be bumpy.

So cook Dad some breakfast and make a big fuss.
He ain't perfect, but so what? He's yours!
Wish him Happy Father's Day. Show him some love.
You're the kid he completely adores.

Your kids completely adore you.

{and so does your wife}


for more D posts, cick below


EG CameraGirl said...

Sounds like you and your kids are very, VERY lucky! Dave sounds like a super guy. :)

Brian Miller said...

this should totally be on a hallmark card...smiles....i hope you make him feel special today...very lovely poem...

and happy fathers day to all the dads out there...smiles.

Ingrid said...

I wished I had had a Dad like this !

Unknown said...

Another Great poem!

yaya said...

Happy Father's Day to Dave and to all your kids who are Dads..great, fun poem and tribute!

Nancy said...

You are so talented with words Sue!

karen said...

Great poem, and tribute to good dads everywhere! One of my favorite childhood memories of my dad is when he'd play "monster" with us when my mom would be gone at night to a Primary meeting. He would hide and chase us through a dark house - scary and fun all at the same time! My mom would always know because she'd come home to lampshades knocked askew and hand prints all over the walls.

Unknown said...

So cute...perfectly Dad. Hope you guys had a great Dad's day.

Amy said...

That is a wonderful tribute to dads. I love it!

LeAnn said...

That was such a lovely poem about Dads. I am sure your husband loved this one. I am sure he had a great day and that his children feel just like the poem.
Blessings and hugs!

Leovi said...

Very cute and fun tribute! I am also a father, thank you very much!

Unknown said...

Beautiful. As usual.

Jenny said...

This dedication to Dads is absolutely delightful.

You have such a divine way with words!

Darling post for the letter "D".

Thanks for linking.
