Friday, March 8, 2013

Poetry Website

Since the Alphabe-Thursday letter is P today, I thought I would talk a little bit about my poetry website. It's been a long time since I've mentioned it here on my blog, and the collection has grown to nearly 300 poems on various subjects. If you get a chance, I hope you will head over and take a look!

There are categories for funny, spiritual, general/literary, holiday, love, nature, "life lesson," and children's poems. I try to put new ones up as I write them, but I tend to run a little behind, as I am now. Still, I am a lot more on top of the poetry situation than I used to be!

A little history is that I started the website in 2008 because people I know (often from my church) would ask me for poems on a certain subject, and I would have to hunt through about fifteen places they might have ended up to try to find something that fit the bill. I wanted to organize things a bit, and having a website seemed like a very good way to do that. Before the site, I would write a poem for a special occasion, church lesson, to address some feeling or other, etc. and just shove it into a drawer or worse yet, not even make a hard copy and lose it to my yawning documents file. There are still a few errant efforts rattling around in there, but I am slowly retrieving those and making a home for them at

Anyway, the whole idea has been pretty successful. Now I just give people my url so they can search for their own poems when they ask me for one. Best of all, I have made a lot of new friends on the internet, where the site gets over 2,000 hits a week. It's fun to know the poems are getting a chance to see the light of day and be part of someone else's program, present, talk, or lesson. Makes me feel good to know they are getting out there!


for more P words, click below


Unknown said...

This is super impressive and inspiring. I love that you have a website for your poetry!

Gail said...

Your words always hit home.

Glad you share.

karen said...

Well, I for one am a huge fan, and I can always find something there to fill the bill. I love how you have it all organized - very easy to find just the right thing!

Pam Beers. said...

I haven't read any poetry yet, but I love the blog. It's spiritually uplifting. Thank you for sharing.

larainydays said...

I'd forgotten about it so thanks for the reminder. You have a wonderful body of work.

Unknown said...

You are a great poet!

21 Wits said...

I've always said you are a fantastic poet!

Leovi said...

Yes, a lovely poetry site. Congratulations.

Granny-Guru said...

I love that you started a separate web site to hold your poetry.

yaya said...

I hopped over and found a wonderful resource! Good idea to make it a separate site. Your poems are wonderful and really hit home many times. Thanks Sue!

Brian Miller said...

smiles...i am rather fond of your poetry....and really enjoying my copy of your book as well.....

LeAnn said...

Your poems are so awesome and I enjoy your poetry site. It is lovely that you share them. I still think you should publish a book of your poems.
Love, hugs and blessings to you!

Darlene said...

Do you tell people that when they use a poem of yours they need to tell who wrote it? I hate to think that many of your poems could end up being by "anonymis". They deserve recognition. I'm a bit like Dick, I feel that yours should be a household name.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Oh wow, Sue! I've visited your poem web site many times through searches and i never knew it was YOURS! It's a wonderful resource! Congratulations and keep up the good work!

EG CameraGirl said...

You are a gifted poet so I appreciate knowing where I can read a few when I need inspiration. Thanks, Sue.

Ingrid said...

How nice to be able to create poems. I am not at all !

SarahBeth said...

I just went over to your poetry site -- and enjoyed what I read! Lovely work!

Stacy said...

sweet success

Jenny said...

I love your Poetry website...

Words are so Powerful and I think this is a Perfect way to access them easily...

Great Post for the letter P...
