Monday, March 5, 2012

Point of View

Magpie Tales is Tess Kincaid's writing meme.
Participants respond to a picture prompt (below).

image by Sarolta Ban

point of view
©2012 susan noyes anderson

she always made him small
it was her eyes
he blamed them, claimed they cut him
down to size

she said he lies


he never stood up tall
she had to rise
he made himself the beggar
her the prize

he said she lies


(cue alibis)


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Wow! Love this!
The look does say it all.

Brian Miller said...

def perspectives...and perhaps if they got past who was lying and just listened...they might make it...

Momza said...

Extraordinary! And..I like "Mad World" to go with! Well Done!

Grandma Honey said...

Sure doesn't sound like a match made in heaven!

karen said...

How do you do that? I'd still be staring at the picture trying to think of something.

yaya said...

You have to be the "Yoda" of the pen. I would never have come up with something so perfect and clever!

Darlene said...

I'm like Karen, I would look at this picture and never come up with anything. How you did this, I don't know, but it is excellent!

anitamombanita said...

Cool poem. You're so good at that.

I got a call from a couple people and emails from several others this morning. Sad day, indeed.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes... I've had people who could cut me with a look. This is perfect!

Daydreamer said...

Oh, so, it's a bit like 'He said, she said' going on.
Great use of the prompt :)

Susie Clevenger said...

A delightful work of he say she says...

Anonymous said...

Wonderfully sharp and succinct. K.

ds said...

HA! I love this. If looks could kill... Thank you for this, and also for your visit.

Law_Fal said...


Jim Swindle said...

Very well-written.

Stef said...

Ahhhh perception

Wander said...

this is a very good poem, painfull.


Leovi said...

An excellent poem!

jabblog said...

Not a relationship destined for endurance, I think. Excellent response to the prompt.

Terra said...

wow. Perception. This was very very well done. Sticking with me.

Laurie Kolp said...

Really like the contrasting perspectives and I agree with Brian.

Little Nell said...

I like the idea of the eyes curring down to size - succint!

Other Mary said...

Oh, very clever. I like this a lot. You're final (cue alibis) is perfect!

Bodhirose said...

Suspicion of lying does not make for a great relationship...doomed.

Anonymous said...

I think he's lying when he says she's lying. Either that, or they're both confused. :)

I enjoyed reading this one. :)

Tess Kincaid said...

He said...she said...

Caroline said...

I loved it! I can't hear music from your blog on my iPod (not sure why) but I imagined some sort of Mad Men theme music while I was reading it!