Monday, March 12, 2012

Magpie in the Mist and Giveaway Winner

The darkness was crowding in again.

Her mind’s eye spun from clarity to shadow, but it was she, standing on the brink of a large body of water. The evidence of her own tears stretched before her...brooding, beckoning…a salty taste on the lips that threatened to engulf all she was.

“The choice is yours,” the voices said. They lied. Those tears were hers; she could not help but own them. And owning them, it seemed they owned her, too. Their murky depths called out to her like sirens…soothing, sending her soul deep. Breathless, she fought her way to surface, gasping.

Was it true? Could the wounded walk away?


Congratulations to Karen of Still Crazy After All These Years for winning the I Am Learning plaque! It will be making its way to you shortly, my friend. =)


jen said...

Lucky Karen. Your writing is on fire lately. Awesome!

karen said...

Thanks Sue! It will be a good reminder to me. And this post is amazing! It's almost like you're peeking and giving me what I need to read and ponder. Thanks again.

Helen said...

A powerful Mag .. thought provoking!

Jocelyn Christensen said...

Very, very nice...

Berowne said...

Moving, effective, well thought out...

jabblog said...

The triumph of will over persuasion. Very nice.

Anonymous said...

Very good - I haven't visited before so don't know if the music is usually there - if not it goes well with your post.

Lindsey Buck said...

Congrats to Karen! And I am loving your artsy posts lately, wonderful.

Wayne Pitchko said...

nicely done...thanks for sharing this

Leovi said...

Really delicious, one of the best I've read about this photo.

yaya said...

Congrats to Karen, she's a gem! Love this stories make me have to use my brain and they always stir my emotions!

Daydreamer said...

It's amazing how much the wounded can walk away, stronger for having learned the tough life-lesson.
Lovely prose to the prompt.

Stacy said...

I want to read more...again. These teasers are no fair! :)

LeAnn said...

Loved your writing today; I just want more.
You are always thought provoking and I love reading your posts.
Blessings and hugs to you!

4 Lettre Words said...

Love that snippet, Sue...and congrats to Karen!

Silent Otto said...

Love this concept of owning your own darkness, quite unusual in the era of " positive thinking " , " loveliness and light " , meanwhile the dissociated demons tear the world to pieces, unchecked. If she is strong enough to walk wounded, surely we all can be ? , our wounds are our badge of honour, our entree to the underworld of images !

Donna said...

Yes, Lucky Karen....and as always us. For getting to read your wonderful prose!!

Pondside said...

This one is really going to make me think and then come back and read again.

Jim Swindle said...

Yes, by God's grace, the wounded can walk away.
Thanks for this thought-provoking essay.

Darlene said...

Pretty deep, I must say, but, as I've said before, you truly do have a way with words.

I hope your busy time is over for a few days. It has been pretty crazy for you.

Lucky Karen, it couldn't happen to a nicer person.

kaykuala said...

A moving story, Sue! It gets into realms of yearnings and hope. A great verse!


Brian Miller said...

whew...i was not the only one to take this to a dark place...smiles.

and yes they can...

Grandma Honey said...

The wounded and...the refined, right?

Brandee Shafer said...

I hope so.

Well done.

Laurel's Quill said...

'They lied.' That got me. very thought provoking prose. Laurel

momto8 said...

you are a very good writer....definitely makes me want to read more.

Kathe W. said...

excellent story!There is always hope.

Tess Kincaid said...

I like the question you pose at the end...

Caroline said...

Yayyy for Karen! I love Karen! And I loved that story-- no surprise. :)

Susan Anderson said...

It was one of my mom's favorite pieces to play on her violin, Kat.


Anonymous said...

ah the walking wounded

depth of field

anitamombanita said...

Another cool piece. I'm enjoying what you're doing with your Mondays. It's a different side of you.

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Lovely write.

Anna :o]