Friday, January 31, 2014

Knowledge Has Its Price

Knowledge Has Its Price
©2014 Susan Noyes Anderson

The phone rings.
Innocence answers cheerfully,
vanishes on a sigh.

Lightning shouldn't strike twice.
Children should be bulletproof.
Hasn't the freight been paid
for this (and more) already?

There is no King's Ex,
no Not It,
no fingers-crossed immunity.

No substitution or proxy.

Life happens, happens and happens.
Comes at you full force,
teeth exposed, jaws open.
Swallows you up, spits you out.
Takes another bite.

You can teach the Ninevites,
cling to the belly of the whale,
or swim free, wiser...

Ready to struggle,
embrace the process,
live in fear. 

Humility. Submission. Acceptance.
Jonah missed the message
in the end.

Was taught again.


"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;
and lean not unto thine own understanding."
Proverbs 3:5

for more K posts, click below


EG CameraGirl said...

Beautifully written, Sue.

Leovi said...

I like this beautiful poem, excellent!

carol l mckenna said...

Great post for K ~ so true ~ thanks, ^_^

Thanks for visiting ~

carol xxx

Unknown said...

I love it, Sue! You are an awesome writer.


Judie said...

Strangely disturbing, my friend. A haunting and disturbing piece, but beautiful.

karen said...

Beautifully written - why is it that it's so hard to let go and trust? Sometimes, that's just all you can do, and somehow it all works out. But it's so hard to trust that it will, AND to have the patience/courage to see it through without knowing the end result.

Pondside said...

You have put it so well, Sue. Any parent who has had one of those calls will be able to enter right into your poem. When someone you love misses the message it's so hard.

yaya said...

We have received those calls. 10yrs ago this month my Sister lost her youngest son. He was 18. Letting go to trust in the Lord was the only way she survived that tragedy. Beautiful poem Sue.

Ingrid said...

Very beautifully written !

Lola said...

Very memorable poem for K!

And thanks for visiting ~~

Gail said...

You hit the nail on the head!

Beautiful creation.

Karen Mortensen said...

Love it. I really liked that finger crossed line. You are so talented.

21 Wits said...

Another lovely, tender write from you.

SarahBeth said...

"Let go and let God" -- so easy to say, so hard to do. Wonderful, thought provoking poem.

alpinekleins said...

Love Proverbs 3:5, sometimes that is the only way to get through the day . . . good capture of the emotions we call this life.


Little Wandering Wren said...

Phew - lot's to think about in this poem. Will be reflecting on it all day now. Thank you
Wren x

LeAnn said...

This scripture is one of my favorite. It has a story behind it. I loved this poetry and regretfully we do tend to have to experience different problems sometimes more than once.
Blessings for this good reminder to trust and learn.

cj Schlottman said...

This poem really speaks to me, Sue. As always, it is beautifully written. :)

Grandma Honey said...

Scary isn't it? I've always said life can change drastically over one phone call!

Karen Sue said...

Struggling with the college freshman's problems - praying for God's guidance, but feeling really strong, that He wants me to step in. So hard to know when to let them handle stuff and when enough is enough. Thanks for the pat...

Amrit Sinha said...

This is beautiful, with a strong message ... loved it :-)

Tonya said...

So beautiful, true with the pains of life, and the hope to cling to that surpasses all understanding. You pack so much feeling and meaning into each word.
Thank you for the beautiful poem you left on my blog a while back. I've meant to get over here and thank you, but I'm a bit slow sometimes. :S
You are such a thoughtful friend. :)

Amy said...

I love the comparisons to Jonah. This is profound.

Jenny said...

Sometimes it is so difficult to keep moving forward in faith alone, but it is during those times that it is necessary to stay the path.

Thanks for linking to the letter "K"!
