Thursday, January 9, 2014

Happy New Year!


©2003 Susan Noyes Anderson
from His Children by Schiller (photos) and Anderson (poems)

photo by Anita Schiller      

Times Square with all its cheer
cannot revive a year.
And no amount of pique
will slow a passing week.
No force on earth can stay
the closing of a day.
So give in…Count some sheep.
The dawn will keep.

 click below for more H posts


yaya said... can't buy it and nothing can stop it..and your poem points this out perfectly! Enjoy this new year!

Jen said...

And as I get older and my kids get flies even faster.

Leovi said...

Yes, great poem!

Unknown said...

Happy new year, Sue. Your poem is very beautiful.

Hugs to you xoxo

carol l mckenna said...

~ very contemplative post ~ and well written ~ Happy New Year to you ~ carol, xxx

Lola said...

Agree with all the above comments!

Happy New Year too.

jen said...

I wish you knew my dad--that picture could be him. He will sleep anywhere--always with boots and hat!

storybeader said...

what a cute poem! I wish I would forget about the dawn at 4:00 AM when I wake up! {:-Deb

LeAnn said...

Always a good poem with truth in it. Blessings and thanks for this one~

Yogi♪♪♪ said...


Amy said...

:) Lovely poem, as always!

Ingrid said...

Nice poem and very special picture !

EG CameraGirl said...

A deep thought, Sue! How true that no one can stop time from passing. No one.

Karen Sue said...

one of my favorite books!! hugs to you today

Stef said...

Oh, how I wish we could keep time from flying sometimes! My baby is turning 5 next week and my heart is breaking a little. Sigh.........

Brian Miller said...

it will come surely...why is it that when i put my head down everything i need to do comes crashing in...and as to time, we gotta make the most of what we have and roll from there...cause it just keeps getting faster...

happy new year! smiles

~T~ said...

Yes, I think it is naptime!

Nancy said...

Very true and love the rhymes. Perfect!

Pondside said...

So (alarmingly) true. I get nervous when I can account for every weekend until April. Trying to live in the moment.........

Anonymous said...

What wonderful way to end the year!

karen said...

Just what I needed to read tonight! I've spend way too much time this past week trying to cram way too much into every day. Time to slow down and get reasonable. We will be in your neck of the woods this next Thursday the 16th until Tuesday afternoon. The only evening I have to work is Thursday for the registration reception. Other than that, evenings are free. I hope we'll be able to see you and Dave while we're there!

Jenny said...

That guy looks like he had one heckuva Happy New Year... (((winkwink))

Thanks for linking to the letter "H".
