Friday, February 15, 2013

On Marriage and Mothers

 To my husband:

We met 44 years ago,
hooked up at the Valentine's Dance.
Your date showed up a bit too late.
(Boo hoo.) She blew it...missed her chance.

But that's okay. Yes, that's all right.
Cuz I sure made the most of mine.
I'm 60 and you're 62.
But you still make my stars align.

Hoo-wee! You're one hot valentine!!


For my mom:

My mother loves me oh-so-well.
I love her more than words can tell.
She's 85 and going strong.
Her gifts to me have been lifelong.

Of mothering, she made an art.
Mom taught me how to use my heart.
She raised me up and set me free
to be the best that I could be.

(Her secret? She believed in me.)


Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day.
I surely did.

And lots of love to my kids and grandkids, too!

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Judie said...

Sweet and wonderful, Sue! You are twice blessed!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had perfect timing.

~T~ said...

Grand, indeed!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Ahhh...what a sweet set of valentines. You appear to be a blessed woman!

Brian Miller said...

she believed in there is a secret...and smiling at your meeting, his date being late...well my wife showed up with a the time he was my best friend but...smiles

Susan Anderson said...


All's fair in love and war, Brian.


yaya said...

Super fun poems made with love! I'm so glad I still have my Mom around too..she'll be 87 in May!

Grandma Honey said...

You are not only so blessed to still have your Mom with you, but what a wonderful woman she is!

Stef said...

Moms are always giving, aren't they/ Love you work!

Stacy said...

Loved the poems. :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful and loving post ~ what a tribute to your marriage ~ Many more lovely years together ~ how blessed you are ^_^

Tammy Theriault said...

Super cute! Loved it!

Ames said...

Hi Sue! What a sweet story about you and the mister. And I can say the same thing about my own mom!

Happy Valentine's Day!

karen said...

Oh my, you mom is going to treasure that ode to her mothering skills! And I love the story of you snatching your beau from the clutches of another. Pays to be on time, I guess... I'm sure things turned out how they were supposed to.

Amy said...

Aw, i love how much in love you and Dave still are. It is so tender and sweet.
And what a lovely tribute to your mother.

Pondside said...

I loved those two little valentine offerings. I think we have more than a few things in common when I read something like this.

Ingrid said...

Oh, that's nice ! I met Mr. G. 45 years ago and 44 years we are married ! What a long time when I think it over, lol !

Unknown said...

Holy moly. I wish someone made custom Valentines for me! Didn't people used to do this more often in the 'old days'? I like that tradition.

Lola said...

Loved the poems - superb as always!

21 Wits said...

She's two times a winner!

Caroline said...

I loved both of these! Especially the part about the date being late! ;) Great story!

Your mom sounds like mine. We are so blessed, aren't we?

Unknown said...

What lovely valentine tributes!

Darlene said...

Ah Sue, those poems are so sweet....I really thought the one to Dave was spot on. He is such a treasure. But oh, the one about me was so wonderful...I will love that one forever. Thank you so sorry I have been so long to read it. We have both been a bit lax in reading blogs, or even being on the computer, in my case. Dick just read yours tonight and told me I just had to come in and read the two blogs of yours I had missed. I can see why he was so adamant that I do it now. Thanks once again. It brought me up, as I have been feeling pretty low the last few days. I love you so much.

alpinekleins said...

Totally inspired by your Valentines . . . I'm going to have to try harder next year :)


LeAnn said...

Wow, I loved these two Love poems. I can tell that your Mother was an awesome one. I certainly have grown to love you both.
Wonderful poems for today.

Jenny said...

Awwww...Mr. Sue lucked out when he landed you!

Such a beautiful pair of Valentines!

You have the magic touch in word crafting!

Thanks for sharing it.
