Monday, February 11, 2013

Red Plate Special

artwork by Joseph Lorusso

Sometimes, in a cafe,
 he gets hungry for 
the red plate special.
Don't make him blue. 

Kiss him silly, till he
can't even smell
the food
for want of you.


If the blue plate special is the usual fare, 
this feast of passion must be the red plate version!


Happy Valentine's Day.

for more Mags, click below


21 Wits said...

Oh my he'd give up food for her! Yes!

Kathe W. said...

ooooh this is very nice!
Happy Valentines!

Leovi said...

Yes, I love this delightful poem.

Little Nell said...

I'm not sure I know what a red plate special is but whatever it is I like the way you've woven it into this poem.

Theresa Milstein said...

Ha, that's some red plate special!

EG CameraGirl said...

WOW! Very special indeed. And HOT too.

Anonymous said...

What fun! I love it.

Anonymous said...

cute rhyme

carol l mckenna said...

Fun and romantic poem and great pic ~

Carol of: (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

Brian Miller said...

ha. i love the kill him til he cant think of know your plate is full then...ha

Unknown said...

Great take on the prompt and perfect for Valentine's Day!

momto8 said...

oh la la...
LOVE it!!

yaya said... Ain't it grand?!

Grandma Honey said...

How did you find a picture that went so perfectly?

Grandma Honey said...

How did you find a picture that went so perfectly?

Unknown said...

Blush.... :)

Unknown said...

dang. now I need to go find some kissing of my own.

karen said...

Loved this one, Sue! Happy Valentine's Day to you and your beau. Here's to our hot boys.

Ingrid said...

Love the painting !

Berowne said...

Whimsically tender, or tenderly whimsical. :-)

kaykuala said...

Yes, That's right! Mesmerize him with her charms and things will fall into place. It's basic but it's also elusive though! Nicely Sue!


Cheryl said...

Hot stuff, Sue. ::snort::

Helen said...

Perfect little poem for Valentine's Day .....

Splendid Little Stars said...

Here's to plates of red!

Silent Otto said...

For me, it is one of the few things more important than food!

Amy said...

:D I feel like a broken record for praising your poetry, but it is all honest and heart felt. You have such a gift, and I am so in love with the way you write.

Anonymous said...

A Valentine's recommendation!

Helena said...

Now THAT's the kind of cafe I'd love to place an order in!

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Had to Google red plate special to understand - now I do.

Love the idea he can't even smell the food for want of you (or me!).

Anna :o]

~T~ said...

Sounds like a tasty treat!

Margaret said...

Oh, this is fun. :)