and went down to the graveyard at night.
to give our kid brothers a fright.
Our town's cemetery was right on the way
to the homes that gave out the best treats.
We remembered how scary those shadowed tombs seemed,
so we lay in wait, cloaked in white sheets.
With the sun sinking down and the moon rising high and
so we lay in wait, cloaked in white sheets.
no brothers as yet, we got bored.
stole the color right out of their cheeks.
Still no brothers in view, but we had lots to do.
We were scaring those punks off their feet!
Other times, we chased them down the street.
It was SICK. Our best Halloween ever!!
not one of our victims suspected.
The night was our stage. Maybe we could do better...
make even the older kids squeal!
make even the older kids squeal!
Super spooky! This guy was for real.
till it robbed me of freedom and will.
with his flesh eaten down to the bone.
Dan took off and never looked back.
Zombies and wraiths slipped around me and through me.
My soul turned to ice, and my heart beat in rhythms
We heard what you did, and WE TOLD!
All our friends said that he was so mean.
than scaring us on Halloween.”
It was my little brother! The punk sounded good,
compared to the grave’s grim salute.
Watch out, phantoms! NO ONE would be spared.
Did you think that your mothers were fools?”
we hugged and high-fived for a while.
Dan said softly. We met him with cheers!
And you know what? We felt mostly glad.
just a tip from my terrorized crew...
(Heed it well, or this day you will rue.)

Don't pass by a graveyard until the sun shines.
Take warning from s-h-i-v-e-r-y chills up your spines.
Be kind to small children, whatever you do, and
BEWARE what you wear. Sometimes, costumes come true!

(Heed it well, or this day you will rue.)

Don't pass by a graveyard until the sun shines.
Take warning from s-h-i-v-e-r-y chills up your spines.
Be kind to small children, whatever you do, and
BEWARE what you wear. Sometimes, costumes come true!

With lots of love and plenty of scary good wishes
to our awesomely gruesome grandchildren
Ghostma and Ghoulpa Anderson
If you like this one, check out the ones from past years:
for more X(tra scary) posts, click below
to our awesomely gruesome grandchildren
Ghostma and Ghoulpa Anderson
If you like this one, check out the ones from past years:
for more X(tra scary) posts, click below
LeAnn said...
Sue, you really need to make a children's book. I love your Halloween stories and Christmas stories.
I sent you an email; so let me know.
I so look forward to your stories.
The pictures and story were very scary. I won't have any grandchildren around for Halloween but will send a link to your post.
Blessings and hugs for this one.
(Sorry I had to copy LeAnn's comment, but I messed up my blog feed somehow and had to repost the whole poem.)
I think it's fixed now.
I'll bet the kids really liked this one. It was so long. I'm wondering how long it took you to write this one.
It even made me feel creepy. I wish I had some kids around to read and show this to, so that I could see their expressions and listen to their comments. It must have been fun for Heather.
hahahaha i love your stories...and this one made me grin really big....i hope you have a safe and fun halloween!
What a wonderful tale!
That definitely could be made into a book! Congrats on a job well done!
Absolutely wonderful!!!
I see a children's book in this.
Creepy and just perfect for Halloween. I'm thinking it took you hours to write and search photos. Thank you! Your work is so much fun.
Wow...that's really great, Sue. You are so creative!
fun stuff! That's just wild, woman--I fear your imagination!
I just posted some story bones for tonight's fireside. Your grandkids may know them, and if they don't you can have fun telling them :)
Well I for one am staying off graveyards today!
I would love an update on what your grandkids had to say about this one. I'm guessing they loved it.
sometimes costumes come true! Love it.
Happy Halloween!
Aw Sue that is the best campfire scarey story I have heard in a long time. Moms, they sure can put the fear of God in their children! Hee Hee! Loved it and the music too!~Ames
Which is scarier, denizens of the graveyard, or the wrath of Mom? They deserved both! Fun tale!
That story had the perfect balance of creepy and fun. Your Halloween story poems are one of MY Halloween traditions too! (Move over, grandkids... I need a seat away from the dark corner.) Happy Halloween!
Fabulous. Hope you have a wonderful Halloween.
Touche!! And I have scared myself spitless trying to scare other's before. Thank goodness that evil is scared of our Momma's!! Happy Halloween Grandma Sue!!
Wow! ~ Great post and certainly a frightful story ~ very creative and awesome photos ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^
That was so freaky! And terrorizing toddlers...shame on you! hee hee! Happy Halloween, Sue!
Oh my goodness, that was creepy, gross and hilarious all wrapped in one! Sue, you never disappoint! I agree with LeAnn BTW!
These photo's scare me to death. Do you really think this is good for little children? I don't. Sorry.
so scary!
I appreciate your concern, Riet. I always worry about that, too, and this one definitely has some creepy pics.
I must admit that I purposely made the poem scarier this year because my grandkids like it that way. Their mom checks the Halloween stuff out ahead of time to make sure it's not too creepy for them. They did enjoy this one and were not bothered by it at all.
Anyway, thanks for your honesty. I do understand your reservations about this one.
All I can say is Yikes!! I'll be looking behind myself all day!
That was horrorifically chilling!!! You are such a superb writer, Sue!!! (I am glad I actually read this this morning, or I may have been looking over my back all night. :) )
hahahahahah HA !! what fun to read this on my lunchtime at work LOL!
Haha! You always write the best poems. Love it!
Glad my Halloween wasn't this creepy. Ewwww!
What a fun tradition! Love your poems and this one was super cool and scary. Hope your Halloween was great!
Like it?! I LOVE it!!! True to form you are!!
Sue, you rock. That was the best Halloween poem ever!
ooooo! scary-ee!
You are amazing . . . the best! Can't wait until Christmas :)
I LOVED it! So much fun and it really made me laugh. It is true that nothing can withstand the wrath of a mother!
Ghostma and Ghoulpa!
You are soooo cool Sue!
Like the coolest Grandma ever.
You are just an amazingly xcllent writer, Grandma, woman, person and friend.
I really, really loved this!
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