Be that as it may, this afternoon we're hitting a local Italian restaurant that boasts great salads (I'll take the seafood; she'll take the cobb). Other favorites of ours are Thai, Mexican, and Malaysian. Sometimes, we even eat good, old-fashioned American! But no matter the cuisine, I look forward to this time with Karin every week, when we can be "just the girls" in a family where testosterone is the prevailing hormone and baseball, basketball, or general accounting practices (ugh) often take center stage.
I'm happy for these priceless moments with my beautiful daughter. In fact, I'm happy that I even have a daughter, especially one that takes a couple of hours from her limited store of free time (the girl works three jobs!) to hang out with her arguably nosy and opinionated old mother every week.
What makes me happiest of all, of course, is that I think she enjoys it nearly as much as I do!

love that girl
Oh I love that tradition. I hope to be as close to my daughters as you are when they are older.
That's so cool. I love having a daughter, hate that she lives so far away now. :(
Great tradition. I should start something like that with my mom. We've only managed a lunch here and there every few months. PItiful. I am like your Karin - an only daughter in the midst of 3 brothers. Girl time is so much fun!
How sweet and fun that must be. Bet you look forward to Friday every week. Hugs
I can't imagine a nicer simple pleasure...
Blessings, Debbie
Oh how fun! Lucky for you both! I hope my girls want to do that when we all grow up!
My married daughter is far away so we have to compensate. You have given me a great idea for my teenage daughter in the 2 remaining years I have her at home. She would love to miss school lunch once in a while too.
Moms and Daughters...special relationship. Love mine too. Great picture, by the way.
How wonderful Sue. I always enjoy spending time with my daughter too.~Ames
what a great idea, and so lucky to have her close!
I'm so glad you both take the time to do this. I didn't know that you did this on a regular basis. Karin is such a super neat girl. You and she both know how much I love her. The shopping after lunch must be pretty fun too. I am so happy that you two are so close.
Such a special relationship!
Lovely post - just like yr "H" one below!
Have a lovely weekend,
XOXO Lola:)
I wish Heidi lived closer so that we could do that. Maybe someday.
What a wonderful tradition! It's so good to have mother/daughter time. I love that you walk after the lunch. To be able to walk and visit is a great therapeutic event.
I'm so happy for this tradition you share! Well said.
I need to do this. What a great idea! Lovely daughter, lovely you!
I wish I lived closer to my Mom and Sis to do more together things. I'm jealous of those who have daughters to do the "girlie" things with. That's the difference between sons and daughters I guess!
That is so sweet! I have great plans for doing things like that with Faye. My mother and I don't have a close relationship, and I envy anyone who is close with their mother/daughter.
Another reason why I love you.
This is such a sweet tradition and I would imagine that you and your mom did something very similar to this.
You and your daughter get so much from these Fridays and if only all mothers and daughters could do this.
I am enjoying these weeks with my sweet daughter until she moves back to Austin and I am already dreading her moving back.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Sue, you and your daughter are so lucky to have each other. This is another beautiful post.
smiles...i think that is a great tradition and healthy...great pic!
That sounds like such a fun tradition! My 6 yr old and 8 yr old daughters have been begging me to do some mother-daughter dates.
So, soooo cool! I love it.
How awesome, Sue!
Lucky girl, lucky momma.
I love this! I have 2 daughters that I continually say no to about lunch...too expensive I dumb am I?
Girls time is the best!! I love your tradition and I also love the picture!!
Sounds delightful. My daughters are just starting to leave home so we still have lots of our meals together. I hope in a few years that they will want to do something like this.
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