Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hope Dawns

I'm a pretty hopeful person by nature, but that doesn't mean life doesn't beat me down sometimes. When that happens, I like to cheer myself up by writing poems. Here's one from way back:

©1999 by Susan Noyes Anderson, Awaken Your Spiritual Power, Karisma Press

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning” (Psalms 30:5).

The dawn in a nightgown of glistening dew

Arouses the sun from her beauty sleep,

To paint from a palette of every hue

A sky that enchants us from slumber deep.

And as we awaken to nature’s art,

Old wounds, like the ashes of embers spent,

Are scattered and blown from a weary heart

To rest in the grave of their discontent.

Reborn in the wake of each fledgling day,

The soul catches fire in the shimmering light

That heralds the dawn as her bright array

Eclipses the darkness of passing night.

Take courage, my friend, though shadows assail.

A new day awaits you; the light will prevail.

for more H posts, click below


People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I'm sure you've met people in whose company you just want to sit....whose aura you just want to bask in...because they have something uniquely spiritual and upbeat about them. I'm blessed to know a few. And YOU are one I'd like to add to my small list.

I'm so very thankful you blog, Sue. You lift me up.

And you're so freakin' talented, I don't understand why you a haven't published more books. Really.

Theresa Plas said...

Beautiful post Sue!

Amanda said...

Great poem. The pictures add to the atmosphere.

Stacy said...

Just what I needed to read today. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I really needed this today. I'm going to forward this on to Val...just in case she doesn't get to blog scan today...I think she needs it too.
Thank you...for sharing your talent and for helping us to heal through your words.

Pondside said...

Everyone needs to read something uplifting and I feel lucky to have read this before heading out for a difficult day in a very difficult institution. Listening to the pain in the life of person after person can drain sometimes, but I'll think of the dawn in her nightgown of glistening dew,and feel refreshed.

larainydays said...

Beautifully hopeful.

Momza said...

Beautiful words, images, music.
You are a gift, Sue.

Anonymous said...

I love that the new day brings chances for things to get bette and be set right.

Vicki/Jake said...

Awesome Sue, sure makes a person think... Listen to PJ, she's right.

anitamombanita said...

really lovely!

H said...

You have a lot of skill with words. This is an insightful and beautiful poem!

Cindy Adkins said...

Wow, what a beautiful poem and pictures!!! Totally breathtaking, my friend.

Ingrid said...

Beautiful composition between words and pictures !

Unknown said...

The whole post is gorgeous. Really beautiful.

yaya said...

The words are gift enough, but with the beautiful photography, it's truly a masterpiece...thanks for the words I really need to read today.

Rosie Nixon Fluerty said...

Sue how did you find my blog? Your photography and editing is so inspiring :) Thankyou so much for commenting on mine.

Susan Anderson said...

Can't claim the photos, except for one. The others are from a friend and from Flicker.

karen said...

As always Sue - beautiful job. Uplifting? Yes indeed.

Darlene said...

One of your better ones, I think. We both enjoyed this one a lot. Dick got here before me, and when he tells me of an especially good post, it makes me anxious to read it. I'm never disappointd either.

Ames said...

This is beautiful Sue!~Ames

storybeader said...

what a pretty poem, and great photos! {:-D

Pat said...

Exquisite words, Sue - thank you!

Brian Miller said...

that is a beautiful rebirth you paint...and i understand...writing is often therapy for me...

Tonya said...

Amazing!! I love your poetry...and those pictures, how perfect!!!

Terra said...

absolutely beautiful Sue!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Fantastic photos, and the music goes so well with them. I have my meditation this morning with your post. Have a great weekend, Sue!

Caroline said...

Amen, Sue.

Your poetry is always a gift to us all. Thank you. :)

Judie said...

Sue, you never disappoint me. You have a deep spirituality that is so evident in your post.

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Beautiful poetry...punctuated with the perfect pictures that you have found to share with your very descriptive verse...and accented with the melodic music. Thank you for sharing this one!

Blessings & Aloha!
& thank you so much for your lovely visit!

Amy said...

That is absolutely beautiful! I mean, you always write astounding poems, but this one just has me glowing inside. I love the word imagery. Beautiful.

Catherine said...

What an absolutely beautiful post. The pictures and words are so beautifully woven together. Thank you.

Jenny said...



Oh my. This was exactly what I needed to read this morning.

So perfectly crafted.

So perfectly captured.

You are amazing.

Thank you for sharing your writing with us.

It humbles me.
