Her book, No Doubt About It, has been a source of inspiration for me, and I like to use excerpts from its wise and well-written pages to add that extra punch to talks and lessons. I even quote her in casual conversation. (Yes, sometimes I spout her words spontaneously.) The beauty is that I not only like what she says, but I love the way she says it.
S. Michael Wilcox will be speaking as well, but not until tomorrow. Has anyone ever listened to his talk, "When My Prayers Seem Unanswered?" He ended up making a CD inspired by that text, explaining what he calls the "Fourth Watch." If you haven't heard this one, get it, because it's scripturally sound and really makes you think about unrelieved periods of trial in a whole new way. One of the best I've ever heard.
And so my Friday night will be an enjoyable one. Hope yours is too!
sounds like a fun weekend ahead! I actually applied to be a marketing assistant for TOFW at deseret book last year. It was between me and one other girl and 3interviews later, she got the job. BUt, I learned all about the program while interviewing and think it is a really cool thing. Enjoy!
If I had an idol, Sheri Dew would be it. I've heard her speak many times at Women's Conference, and she is so wise.
As for Michael Wilcox--he was my very first Book of Mormon professor at BYU. He was so inspiring and knowledgeable, etc. That spoiled me for the rest of my BYU religion classes, for sure.
I hear he's retiring from CES in the spring . . .
What I wouldn't give to attend their talks with you! But I'm counting on a report!
It sounds like a wonderful time - you'll have to come back and report.
I love TOFW! Not only do I come away with renewed energy and insight, but my creative juices start flowing and I feel like I can do so much more with what I already have!
Have a wonderful time and get your cup filled to overflowing!
Have a Rejuvinating, Wonderful time! I'm going to time out here in KC next month. My Mom and sis are flying out for it. I'm super excited.
I can't hear how it all goes when you get back.
Have a great time! I attended one of the first Time outs and enjoyed it so much!
I got the cds - can't wait to listen.
i LOVE LOVE LOVE sheri dew. and this talk:-)
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