"We need to find God.

He cannot be found in noise

and restlessness.

God is the friend of silence.



and grass)...

grows in silence.

The stars

the moon

and sun

move in silence.

We need silence

to touch souls." - Mother Teresa
"Be still, and know that I am God" (Psalms 46:10).
This is one of my favorite scriptures, but I am not always good at it. I like Mother Teresa's images, because there is much to be learned from the forces of nature that surround us. When Christ quieted the wind and sea to calm His frightened disciples, He used the words, "Peace, be still." The sea quieted, and so did the winds. The sea and the wind know how to be still, and I am trying to follow their lead. These elements immediately obeyed the Savior's calming voice, yet His disciples did not. (Apparently, I am not the only one who has trouble with this!) Instead, these good men still "feared exceedingly." "What manner of man is this?" they wondered (Mark 4:41). Christ's disciples missed out on the peace that was offered so simply by listening to their minds instead of their hearts, intellectualizing about what had taken place rather than being still enough to know who God is and remember what He is capable of doing. The lesson here is that understanding life isn't always necessary. Sometimes all we need to do is believe, have faith, and be still.
When I think of these things, my husband's favorite scripture holds new meaning for me. "The earth rolls upon her wings, and the sun giveth his light by day, and the moon giveth her light by night, and the stars also give their light, as they roll upon their wings in their glory, in the midst of the power of God" (D&C 88:45). Sometimes, in my stillness, I can feel this majesty and symmetry in my own life.
And it is good.
You made me think this morning, my friend. With as much commotion as I'm surrounded with, I find that I REVEL in the quiet of the house from noon to 2. I never turn on music. Occasionally I watch TV as I fold laundry. But this entry put into perspective how important that quiet time is in my life.
I'll think of you this afternoon in my quiet.
It's true: we could all use more quiet time. It's hard to find sometimes, but I'm going to make more effort.
Mother Theresa got it right. She lived her life for others. She is as good as it gets, I think.
thank you for these true thoughts. i have that scripture as a bookmark -- such a beautiful reminder of what the world (and my life) needs more of.
Thank you for the reminder. Now, I'm turning off the TV.
i always feel the happiest when i am out enjoying nature. especially this time of year when that is humanly possible without melting to death. when i can hear my washer and dryer in the background and be cooking something in my kitchen, with the rain coming down outside? that is when i enjoy his majesty the most:-)
I used to wonder why I liked being a loner. I've decided over the year it's because in my solitude I feel the Spirit much more often and easily then I do around the social life. Not that that isn't fun sometimes, just not everyday. I love the silence!
Oh, I so agree. Last night I was all stirred up inside and not so happy. I took the kids outside for an hour and we all got dirty and wet playing in the dirt and the creek. Then I felt better. For me outside always soothes the inside.
for a long time this summer, my perpetual calendar was on JULY 20-"You will never find stillness unless you look for it. And you will never find GOD unless you make room in life for stillness."
Dr Deborah Newman
I didn't change to the next date, because I felt it was one I needed to see for awhile...
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