For the first ten years of our marriage, I never even noticed he wasn't perfect. The next ten years I resigned myself to the fact that he wasn't perfect. The next ten years I accepted the fact that he wasn't perfect. Today (six years into the next ten), I appreciate the fact that he isn't perfect.

So. Back to square one. We've come full circle. Except that this time the "not noticing he isn't perfect" comes with knowledge and appreciation. I see his imperfections, and I like them. They are familiar, endearing, and they balance out my own. I need that. Together, we bring each other from either extreme more toward the center, and both of us come closer to getting it right.
As people, we are still imperfect as can be, but our choice to be together (forever) is not. And THAT's perfect.
Today is perfect, too. It's December 16th, our 36th wedding anniversary. We're well on our way to accomplishing exactly what my husband invited me to do so many years ago: "Grow old with me, the best is yet to be." (In fact, this was an engraved invitation from him...on my wedding ring!!)
So Happy Anniversary, Dave! Comme toujours, je t'aime plus qu'hier, moins que demain. And here's a little anniversary poem for you:
When we were young, you made me blush
go hot and cold and turn to mush.
I still feel all these things; it's true.
But is it menopause, or you?
(Probably a little bit of both, heehee.)
I love you!
PS. If you want a hilarious laugh, go watch the You-tube video at Snarky-Belle. (Not related in any way to my anniversary, but well worth watching...)
Oh my gosh, you two are so adorable! Love the poem, you are
hilarious!! Happy Anniversary! Congratulations, and here's to many more years of happiness and love!
hahahaha, oh sue, you're too cute!!! yay, congrats! i love the engraving on your ring, so romantic:-)
Happy Anniversary! You two are an amazing couple and Matt and I look to as an example. I am happy that your celebrating 36 years together! Love ya:)
beautiful words about marriage and what it is all about, thank you! and congratulations
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