Friday, August 21, 2015

Nexus Needed

©2015 Susan Noyes Anderson

Unfair I may be, but I'm not
quite certain of that fact.
It's hard to be objective when
you judge the way I act.

I hurt your feelings, so you say,
but do you care for mine?
Your constant criticism leaves me
feeling less than fine.

You tell me I don't like you much.
I'd say the same for you.
If this is liking me, I wonder
what dislike would do.

In honesty, I must admit
my attitude needs work.
I'll like you a lot more when
you're a lot less of a jerk.

In other words, your attitude
could use some labor, too.
Am I the chicken or the egg?
Who hatched this: me or you?

I'm sure we won't agree on that.
I guess we're in a pickle.
You think I suck. I think you suck.
Can we meet in the middle?

Find the intersection. 

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  1. Brilliant! Good advice for all.

  2. the age old battle - getting a man to understand it's not that he is wrong. just, that the woman is always right!

  3. Well said. Someone once said, in a good relationship each person gives 100%. I agree with that; there's no dividing line where you stop giving and the other person starts. I'm going to share the link to this post on Facebook. I think my friend would enjoy it very much.

  4. Quite the statement in that poem. I think marriage, and parenting, too is such a learning ground, isn't it?

  5. Ah so true ~ well penned!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  6. Yup. I can't stand not being able to talk things through in a disagreement.

  7. Oh how I can identify with the words in this poem!! :)

  8. Oh, I loved this one. Great wisdom in this one. I have a daughter and her husband that need to read this one. I think we all have moments like this one and I loved the ending.
    Blessings and hugs for another fantastic poem!
