Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Marking Marvelous Moments

Darlene and Dick

A lot of you old-timers at Sue's News are BIG fans of my formerly blogging mom, so I thought you'd enjoy seeing this 43rd wedding anniversary pic of her with her sweetheart. Aren't these two a cute pair? They even got kinda matchy-matchy with their outfits in honor of the occasion. Dave and I just returned home from visiting the lovebirds last weekend, and we can testify that they are about as happy a couple as you are going to find. Hope they have a TERRIFIC day together. 

Melina and Alcide

Can't believe our miracle babies are half-a-year old already. Where on earth do those first six months go, anyway?! As you can see, these two are growing up to be as beautiful/handsome as might be expected of my grandchildren (heehee). Grandpa and I are having LOTS of fun with them, and they truly are keeping us young! Well…youngish, anyway. 


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  1. Nice to see your family doing so well, Sue. Your mom does indeed look very happy. How nice after 43 years! And the miracle babies look so cute together!

  2. They are all cute! Grandparents and babies. What a blessing.

  3. Oh so good to have a family update. These are my favorite posts of all. I wonder about your Mom and Dick all the time so I loved seeing them looking so happy. And the twins....they look wonderful! Look like they are doing very very well. Their cuteness I'm sure have become the best part of your days!

  4. They all have matching outfits and matching smiles! ... lots happy love ... xx

  5. Happy Anniversary Darlene and Dick! Wow..they look amazing and so happy. Darlene looks about 20yrs younger than last time I saw her! I hope they had a great day. Those twins are so beautiful and I know you're loving every minute of being their Grandma! Looks like it's happy news all around at your blog today. Sure made me smile!

  6. What a wonderful post. Everyone looks amazing. The babies are darling.

  7. I loved seeing this adorable picture of the lovebirds. They both look well and your Mom looks really good.
    Of course, your grandchildren are beyond cute. I can see how much joy they would bring into your lives.
    Blessings and hugs for all!

  8. Aw Sue I do love this picture of your Mom with her sweetie! They both look wonderful and of course happy. I am so happy I got to see this. Please please give her my love.
    Your grand babies are too adorable and yes us grandmas know how to brag and why not.
