Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Loving the Land

©2015 Susan Noyes Anderson

Their roots were in the land;
the land was everything.
The old ones took a stand,
inured to suffering.

Hard work was what they knew,
hard work and sturdy hearts.
They held God in their view,
gave Him their sacred parts.

He came by storm and flood,
breathed wind and uttered rain.
He smiled in sun-warmed crops,
frowned droughts of wasted grain.

Like Job, they persevered
and counted blessings twice.
The land was theirs, revered,
worth any sacrifice.

for more magpies, click below


  1. You, my friend, have captured the essence of our love of the land. Passed down for generations we hope to pass that love on.

    Beautiful piece.

  2. It's so good to read your powerful and lovely words again. I've missed seeing your posts. A most enjoyable read.

  3. Excellent response to the prompt.

  4. Faith based and beautifully composed!

  5. Sue how I have missed you and your lovely way with words. I think of you often. Since my
    health problems I just never get on the computer but God has Blessed me with some good days so I took advantage and am trying to visit long lost blogging buddies and I actually did a post. Catching up with you on here has been a joy tonight.
    I left you a comment on your Mom's Anniversary post and of course your darling grand babies. How wonderful to see that post.
    Please give your Mom my love and tell her I think of her so often and wonder how she is doing.
    Tell her too how beautiful she looks. As always!
    Hope you are well.

  6. Just beautiful! As I read family history stores these words ring so true. We too must have the faith that they stood for. Love and hugs~

  7. I love those old pfotosynthetics , so much more alive than we oily fossils

  8. We have family farms here that have stood for generations. Most folks move around every few years and don't understand the concept of fighting for land or struggling to make it productive. I feel bad for farmers in this day and age. It's so expensive to buy equipment...unless you're Amish! Wonderful poem!

  9. Your words moved me. So much land in my region is turning into subdivisions and strip malls. Greed is taking over, although there are still some working farms. Fortunately just a few kilometres to the east of where I live, farming is still strong.

  10. Regardless of justice or reason...It seems to be beneficial to count blessings twice. The math doesnt work...but happy is happy.

  11. There is much beauty in the land, yet there is also hard work.
    The people who live on the land have to be stout-hearted and sturdy, otherwise the land would soon its meaning.

  12. I'm happy for reading your interesting words. Thank God for the nice land. We need work hard to protect it.

