Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Put on a Happy Face

Spending beach time with the hubby makes me happy.

In the interest of coming to a greater peace with our physical selves, Jen from Denton Sanatorium has issued her readers a challenge to gaze into the mirror for a few moments and decide which facial feature is most lovely.

To be honest, I've always been reasonably pleased with the facial features reflected back at me every morning. It's the rounding of my face by age and added weight that doesn't thrill me. (I hope to change the shape of things a bit this year!)

But that's not the point, is it? I've got a choice to make here, and I'd better get down to business.

Okay. I could definitely say my eyes, which are an interesting shade of hazel and generally shining with one emotion or another. Unfortunately, they are not visible in this photo due to sun, squinting, and the next feature worthy of consideration: a big smile. =D

I like my smile, but since I've yet to jump on the bleached-tooth train and now appear to be sporting the only yellowing cuspids in town, maybe I'd better move on.

I find no fault with my nose or ears, but neither is more than unobjectionable. The brow and chin are ordinary as well, despite thinning and doubling to perfection.

Historically, thick hair has been my best feature. In its heyday, my crown was glorious, luxurious, and the envy of all my friends. No more, though. Today it is thin and fine and flying away faster than a flock of birds hurrying south for the winter.

Which leaves me and my slightly winterized face with the final answer: my skin. I am selecting my skin as the grand prize winner today...not because of its rosy hue, silky texture, or healthy glow but because it is relatively free of wrinkles and earns me a compliment now and again for being so. The secret? Sun avoidance and Aida Thibiant––a high price to pay! (The sun figuratively and Aida literally). heehee

In all seriousness, this was a good exercise for me. I used to be quite comfortable in my own skin (facial and otherwise), but aging has given me pause. I confess it is indescribably strange to look in the mirror and see thinning hair, brows, and lashes; fading color; sagging chops; and lines that were never there before. (I only said relatively wrinkle-free, remember?)

In short, it's true what they say: Aging is not for sissies! Having made that point, I am determined not to wallow in woe. Hey, it is what it is, right? And no one can deny that it beats the alternative...


Click here for more favorite facial feature posts and below for more happiness.


  1. My favorite thing about you is the image I see in your countenance.

  2. Oh, Sue I enjoyed reading this post so much. I am sure glad you included your beautiful smile in the positive things about your beautiful self. Your hair looks so good, doesn't look thin and fly-away at all to me. My opinion...although you did not ask for it...you are beautiful inside and out sweet lady. Hugs

  3. You are so lucky to have such beautiful skin!! Although I would agree that your your smile and the twinkle in your eyes certainly do deserve praise as well!

  4. This post makes me smile. Thanks, Sue.

  5. You do have amazing skin! I've noticed that before...very youthful.
    Loved your post and picture today. :)

  6. The music made me chuckle. You continue to surprise, friend.

    I wondered what you'd choose, since you seem to have aged so little.

    I am envious of your skin, one of the things I truly despise about myself, even more as I get older and I can't ditch these pregnancy mask spots. Now they'll just be age spots.

    Thanks, Sue. You are truly beautiful!

  7. You do have lovely skin Sue, and I changed that font (free of charge!)- I think you're bright and shiny for another reason too.

  8. what or who is Aida Thibiant? sounds like a secret worth spilling.

    It's always nice to force a compliment from ourselves. We should do it more often.

    thanks for your sweet comments.

  9. I love this post. It is quite inspirational and something that we all need to do sometime. You're skin is beautiful!

    Marla @ www.blueskiesphotoblog.com

  10. Wow. Your writing is incredible. I loved that piece!

  11. Sue- oh I completely agree. Spending time at the beach with my hubby totally makes me happy too.

  12. I just always have liked that you post lots of pics of yourself. I have always thought you were quite cute--but I don't think it was just one thing--more of the whole package kind of thing. Thanx for sharing!

  13. Not knowing you in person, I can't comment about the skin, but it sure looks good in pictures! What I do notice is the smile! The first thing I said when the post came up: "Gee, what a great pic of her and her hubby!" Plus I noticed the sun..that is the sun, right?? (haven't seen it for a while) And I can feel your sweet spirit even through the internet connection!

  14. I have to definitely agree that it's your gorgeous smile. keep smiling!

  15. You are too funny! I love your face! Especially in this photo...you beam!

  16. You're beautiful Sue. Would you happen to have a picture of you when your kids were all small...I'd love to see a pic of you surrounded by them.

  17. I LOVE your prety face!! I love yoour smile, but most of all I have always admired and envied a pink cheek and your are perfect! Your face looks open and honest, which are great features! I think you look like your mom and she has a sweet face too!!
    PS....I never wanted to "whiten" my teeth don't like the "electric white" look but my dentist told me that if you wet your tooth brush with hydrogen peroxide, it will whiten your teeth gently over time...like it takes 2 years to do that. So, I began that about 10 years ago. Now they are a pleasant shade of white without looking like they are flashing. It takes a while to get used to the taste but it's cheap!!!:-)

  18. There's no hiding that sweet spirit that peeks out from those beautiful eyes, and the glow that comes from within just makes you more radiant. That handsome guy who you're standing next to doesn't hurt either ;)


  19. yay for your skin...mine is def my eyes...and good job not wallowing...

  20. Sue, I loved this post. Of course I may be prejudiced but I think you have many beautiful features. I don't think the camera is unkind to you. That picture of you and Dave is darling and I want it for my wall. You do have nice skin. It is so smooth and free of wrinkles.

    I really think you should post some pictures of you when you were young. My favorite all time picture of you is the one where you are so deep in thought and studying. Do you know which one I mean. Will you post it for me and for those who would really like to see what you looked like then.

    As for me, I hate to look in the mirror, but I would rather look in the mirror than at a picture of me. The camera hates me and always makes me look like I'm two sheets to the wind, due to the dark circles around my eyes. At this stage of my life, I would have to say that my best feature is my forehead because I have relatively few wrinkles there.

    Please post a few early photos of you, and be sure to do my favorite!!

  21. YOu are beautiful! Every last hair on your head!! I know I've told you this before, but you remind me of my mom. She is beautiful too. Thanks for being that!

  22. What a fun, optimistic response to the prompt! :) It's always good to see women complimenting themselves, rather than finding fault in every aspect.

  23. I wish I would have been more diligent about staying out of the sun in my younger years but I grew up the "CAlifornia Girl" on the beach, in the sun, with the best tan always! Now I pay with a few brown spots. You are wise to have stayed out of the sun and be sporting such beautiful skin now.
    I liked this exercise. For me it is my dimple or my hair at this point. Although I like the laugh lines around my eyes.

  24. P.S. I really love the picture of you and your husband - You both kinda of GLOW with happiness!

  25. This is terrible! Yours was the first post I read, and then I moved on to read all of them, commenting as I went. Then I wrote my own. I was about to close it down when I realized I hadn't commented on yours yet! I loved yours and you DO have beautiful skin as well as a lovely smile. But even better is your ability to make everyone around you feel good. That's a rare talent, and makes you even more beautiful than you already are. Your blog is my daily feel good.

    ps - I love your hair. It isn't thin and flyaway at all.

  26. I meant it was terrible that I was so late commenting, not that your post was terrible. Sheesh...

  27. Sue, I opened the comments section and the first comment by Laraine Eddington was, " My favorite thing about you is the image I see in your countenance."
    I don't think I could say it any better.
    I also agree with your mom, you are beautiful inside and out!!

  28. I have never had glorious hair or eyes...however I have always been blessed with fairly blemish free skin...so I will smile a little knowing that

  29. I think you are beautiful.
    And I love your reflections on yourself. It is always interesting to hear what people have to say about themselves. And I agree with Laraine.

  30. Great photo. I love the beach too. :)

  31. I really enjoyed reading your post! I think you have a wonderful attitude. I always notice beautiful skin...I have dark circles, freckles, moles and sun damage!

  32. You're gorgeous. You make me laugh! :))

  33. GREAT post! You said it all so well! I have to admit, I was a wee bit afraid to link up to that one. Heading to the mirror straight from the shower without any help can be a bit daunting. :) I like my paint. So good to read your beautiful post: indeed, fine skin but I think your smile is pretty keen, too!

  34. I love your smile-and even squinting at the sun I can see great beauty and love in your eyes. Your countenance matches what I've always believed about you from reading your blog. You are beautiful. Love the way you write!
