Friday, December 14, 2012

Delightful Decorations

 For me, decorating begins and ends in the kitchen.

That's the heart of the home, after all.

 (Although the dining room gets a fair amount of play, too.)

 Of course, the whole gang loves to hang out in the family room as well.

 It's the perfect place to soak up that old Christmas feeling.

 That being said, I suppose our very best Christmas moments...

 the ones that warm the heart and lift the soul...

 are probably spent in this cozy spot, the living room.

 Our family does some pretty good living here.

 Not because our tree is both ridiculous and spectacular.

But because of the best decorations of all...
 the ones we welcome in most gladly.

 Our dear young adult friends, adorning the room with love and joy.

{beyond measure}


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Whispering Thoughts said...

Amazing post, so much heart and so much love.

Terra said...

What a wonderful post and I love your placemats almost as much as that lovely group of people warming your home!

EG CameraGirl said...

I LOVE how you ended this post! :))

Your decorations are indeed special!

Unknown said...

So sweet! You're right, those young adults are the best decor around!

~T~ said...

What a warm welcome!

Gail said...

What beautiful decorations in a beautiful home full of love and warmth.

Unknown said...

your home has such a warm and cozy feeling. I can feel the Christmas joy and love.

Ingrid said...

Love your home it looks so warm and cosy ! I also love to decorate but haven't started yet. Will do it over the weekend now.

Stacy said...

Boy you know how to throw a party! I hope my kids will have someone like you when they get to the single ward status.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful home you have!

Leovi said...

Very nice Christmas atmosphere, some excellent ornaments. Greetings.

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! Lovely and creative Holiday decor ~ Wonderful photos ~

(A Creative Harbor) aka artmusedog and Carol ^_^

Stef said...


Pondside said...

You're all ready!

Lola said...

Your decorations are deliciously delightful!

Have a *d*elightful weekend too!

yaya said...

love your home! I can see why the young adults enjoy being there feeling that special Christmas spirit.

Brian Miller said...

smiles...i love all your christmas decor...what a warm home it makes....would not mind being by that fire as well...smiles....the kitchen is the heart...

Jocelyn Christensen said...

ah, great!!! Love that last picture!

Grandma Honey said...

You have a beautiful home, Sue. I would love to sit and chat with you!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Beautiful decorations all through, and with young people smiling and laughing, it couldn't be better!

My name is Riet said...

Your house looks lovely and cosy. Lots of work done

momto8 said...

beautiful beautiful!!! your home and people! you are blessed.

karen said...

Since I've had the good luck to be in your lovely, warm and inviting home I can well imagine all of the decorations up and the good times had by all that enter. Sending lots of love and good wishes to you and your family for a very Merry Christmas and all the best in the new year. I'm so grateful for your friendship.

LeAnn said...

The decorations are awesome. I loved the picture of all the young adults. Your Christmas decorations and home look so inviting and warm.
Love, hugs and blessings to you!

Splendid Little Stars said...

Your decorations are so warm and welcoming!
especially all those lovely faces!

Monica said...

What a warm cozy Christmas home!

alpinekleins said...

Wow! A Christmas wonderland for sure! They look like treasures collected for many a year! I like the photo with all the young people! My favorite part of the holidays is the gathering!


Esther Joy said...

Wow! You really pack your house with those last adornments, don't you?! Love that ending! And your house looks like a warm and inviting place to be at this season.

Merry Christmas!

Caroline said...

Sue your home is always so warm and filled with love. I can see that so clearly and always in these pictures when you open your home to the young people of your church.

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

p.s. I love your Christmas decorations and that you get so into the holiday spirit! I'm slowly adding to a collection of the winter houses (like yours)and the kids love them!

Jenny said...

What a delightful place to gather and share the joy of the holidays!

The best decorations are those that share memories, aren't they?

Thanks for sharing your divine home with us.


Tonya said...

PRETTY!!! So inviting!!! Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!!