Monday, April 3, 2017


©2017 Susan Noyes Anderson

A rock is sure, reliable,
predictable and sane.
Its nature, set in solid stone,
shows little wax or wane.

Whatever changes must evolve
spread out across the years.
No shock and awe, no sudden swoon
when something new appears.

 Its smooth and soothing sturdiness
feels pleasing to the hand,
so cool against a fevered palm,
so warm in summer sand.

The properties are plain to see;
the texture sleek or rough.
This friend-that-can-be-counted-on
is tested, tried, and tough.

A rock seems an unlikely ally.
Keep one at the ready.
When all the world is shifting shapes,
a touchstone holds you steady.

for more poems, click below


  1. What better way to stay grounded than to hold on to a rock? Lovely.

  2. I so love the rhythm and rhymes of this poem.. it simply begs to be read alout.

  3. This is a wonderful lesson for today. We all need such touchstones to keep us steady! It can help keep us sane.

  4. A lovely layered metaphor AND you did a wonderful job with the cadence and rhythm. I enjoyed this piece.

  5. Last week was ROUGH, and I carried a stone from Oceanside beach around in my pocket every day, just to rub and keep me sane and remind me that there are good things in the world. Amen to this. On the very shallow "rock" level.

  6. Marvelously composed verse of reflection and hope

  7. Nature has so many little ways to keep us grounded. Lovely rhythm here.

  8. Grounding, to me, is the sight and sound of a purring cat, sitting on my lap, as I try to write. Knowing, they (Star, Venus, and Squeak) don't care, whether or not, my poem is good or bad. Just that we share our love, with each other. Especially, those times, when life has me, feeling down.

  9. Another amazing poem! I think you should be famous for the poems you do. You must get them published someway in a book.
    They always have more than one layer of meaning. Thanks for this lovely one!
    Blessings and hugs!

  10. 'This friend-that-can-be-counted-on / is tested, tried, and tough.'...we do need them to learn and your title...beautiful...


  11. Such an ideal companion - it does not talk back!


  12. Wonderful to read your thoughts again!

  13. Love this ~ rocks photos and the poem ~ wonderful! ~

    Wishing you a delightful week ~ ^_^

  14. Beautiful photo and prose, Sue! I always look at stones and wonder how long they have existed and where they originated from and how did it form? Good friends help us stay strong and resilient.

  15. I love the rhythm of this AND the message, too, because I happen to have a thing for rocks....for some reason, I just find it soothing to hold one in my hand and run my fingers over the contours of it.
