Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Woman, Be Bold

©2017 Susan Noyes Anderson

Reach up. Draw lightning from the sky.
Call down the rain on shifting sands.
Become the one who understands
where strength resides.
Control the tides; create your wake;
trust in your flow for its own sake.
No looking back, except to marvel
in the glory. You live the story.

And so be bold, be bold for you;
be bold for women far from view.
Be brave and real; contrive to feel
the rightness there.
Summon the wisdom of the womb.
Assume the mantle of your birth.
Ignite a flame across the earth
for woman's due. Begin with you.

My thoughts on International Women's Day.

for more poems, click below


  1. "And so be bold, be bold for you;
    be bold for women far from view."

    Amen. Evocative, if only we all heard you! WHat could block us?

  2. Indeed, the best and only place to begin.

  3. A wonderful call to realize the inner strength....specially love the closing lines...

  4. I love your inspirational thoughts. Beautifully stated!

  5. This is gorgeous. It could be a song, sung as we are marching!!!!!!

  6. Thank you, for posting this poem, as it brought a smile, to me, as I find myself, once more, embraced by depression.

    Love the heading of your page, it brought another smile, to me, as I read it. Thank you, again.

  7. What a world this will be when we (men and women) work in true equality. Thank you for your part

  8. Oh, I do love this one! This is a wonderful poem for International Women's Day. This one is so inspiring and we must be bold as women and embrace the day! Big hugs for this one dear friend.

  9. Fine strong words. Just lovely!
    Kind regards
    Anna :o]

  10. I am late to read your moving words. Beautifully written! Thank you.

  11. Strong words for strong women. Begin with you....last and favorite line to me. This should have been read at all the marches!

  12. We each can be agents of change that will create a better world for us all. It's hard to get girls and women to understand this sometimes. Your poem is a powerful battle cry for them!
