Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Humble Pundit

The Humble Pundit
©2016 Susan Noyes Anderson

The world does not depend on me, I know.
I am no expert here, no talking head.
My currents drive no universal flow.
Wisdom will not go missing when I'm dead.
A smart plan could be made outside my view.
Minus my blessing, good might still be done.
Opinions formed without me have held true.
Speech may have merit ere I have begun.
Believe me, of my failings I'm aware.
(Though in all fairness, they are oddly scant.)
I am no sage, of course, and yet compare…
Most think in scribble; I think in Rembrandt.
Without my presence, mankind would endure.
But would it thrive? Of that, I am less sure.

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  1. Too many pundits actually think they are the sages of the ages, no matter how misguided their thoughts, unfortunately imparted to all and sundry, most often are.

    Your poem, firmly tongue in cheek, is a gem and describes them beautifully.

  2. I've known a few people like him! The older I get though, the more I realize it's a cover up for insecurities. They aren't as confident as they wish us to believe.

  3. Your prose is always thought provoking, Sue! I think the world could use less pundits, that's for sure! ;)

  4. Yup! I know a few of these kind of people. Your thoughts are always interesting and well written. Blessings and hugs~
